You can Benefit from Acupuncture Treatment If You Have Sleep Apnea
One of the alarming health conditions anyone can suffer from is sleep apnea, especially if it’s your sleeping partner who is affected. Sleep apnea is characterized by periods of sleep (sometimes for several seconds), in which a person stops breathing. People with this condition are likely to snore loudly, causing irritation to both themselves and their partner. This condition can lead to sleep disturbances at night making the people affected feel irritable and tired during the day.
The root cause of sleep apnea has still not yet been determined by conventional Western medicine although Western physicians may scoff at the idea that the insertion of thin needles into certain parts of the body may actually treat the condition. In reality, acupuncture for the treatment of sleep apnea can actually help to alleviate the condition and a growing number of people are now seeking the help of acupuncturists in West Orange to enable them to sleep soundly and peacefully at night.
How Does Acupuncture Work in Treating Sleep Apnea?
When treating sleep apnea, the acupuncturist will need to know all the vital information about the patient’s lifestyle and medical history. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) way of treating sleep apnea is based on the belief that illnesses and diseases come about due to a blockage that arises in the circulation of life energy throughout the body. The information they gather from the patient will enable them to determine what acupoints need to be treated with needles.
Acupuncture for the treatment of sleep apnea is a perfect example of how well acupuncture can address a condition that often may be difficult for Western doctors to treat. TCM’s way of dealing with a condition is to target the root cause of the condition rather than on treating the symptoms alone.
Contrary to what others might believe acupuncture for the treatment of sleep apnea is actually an extremely soothing procedure to undergo. This treatment is so relaxing that several people actually book for daily appointment after work in order to come home all relaxed and stress free.
However, even if acupuncture can actually help sleep apnea sufferers get the results they have been looking for, it is important to remember that a doctor’s advice and conventional modes of treatment should always be sought. Some of the underlying reasons causing sleep apnea may be detected and resolved with Western medicine, and so the first thing to do for the treatment of this condition is to visit your doctor.
Regardless of whether the root cause of your sleep apnea is diagnosed or not, it still makes sense to avail yourself of acupuncture treatment to boost the flow energy in your body and to attain a relaxed state. This can help the person sleep better at night and arise the next day feeling fresh and energized.