Tui Na Therapy, The Best Way To Break Down Muscular Tension And Knots
Anmo or Tui Na is a traditional type of Chinese Massage that is one of the primary branches of Chinese medicine: nutritional therapy, qigong, tai chi, herbal medicine, and acupuncture in Saratoga Springs. While still not popular in the West, Tuina can be found in most Chinese hospitals and is an important form of treatment in China. It is more than 3000 years old, and most modern massage forms such as Shiatsu and Swedish massage came from it.
In both theory and practice, tui na is not like any other kind of massage. Therapists have to deal with both the energetic body and the physical body. They practice what one would consider as massage procedures designed to relieve tension and ease the knots in the muscles, while simultaneously working with the energy channels (meridians) and acupoints to balance and regulate the circulation of Chi, much the same way as acupuncture. This would mean that in Tui Na, there is a variety of ‘acupressure’ procedures, and sometimes it is called ‘acupressure massage.’ Despite the fact that the term is also used for less complicated sophisticated acupressure therapies that lack the understanding and the underlying concepts of Tui Na.
There are two styles of Tui Na: the Yin and Yang styles. An extremely mild healing practice utilizing touch, Yin style of tui na balances and regulates Chi or energy. Tui na can strengthen the organ function (Chi), eliminate stagnation from the energy channels, can be a relaxing treatment and a deeply calming therapy for everyone.
The Yang style, on the other hand, is a more physically strenuous type of therapy that makes use of deep penetrating methods to break down muscular tension and knots. It works very well on stiff and tight muscles, but without becoming painful as some deep massages can be.
A skilled practitioner will make use of both Yin and Yang procedures. The skilled practitioner will use both techniques of Yin and Yang as needed, and most therapies are like between the two extremes. There are no treatments and set routines that are often tailored to each person based on the needs of the individual.
Tui Na includes the same complex understanding of the mind and body and specific diagnostic techniques for the client. This is what makes it distinct from most other physiotherapies.
Tui na has benefits that go beyond the relief and treatment of people dealing with stress, hormonal disorders, phycho-emotional problems, digestive problems, respiratory problems, and circulatory problems to name a few. It is especially helpful in dealing with stress and in maintaining health.
A Tui Na Treament
Before the start of tuina therapy, the practitioner will give you a complete Chinese Diagnosis, which is the same as receiving acupuncture. The practitioner will question about your overall health and complaint, and will take your pulse and observe your tongue.
The treatment itself is normally performed over clothing and will be customized based on your specific needs. From time to time, if oil is to be used, you may be asked to remove some of your clothing.
The practitioner uses signs from your body to ascertain the proper strength of the techniques even when strong methods are used. The treatment should not be painful. In certain instances, only very gentle and light methods will be used, although they can be just as effective.