The Philosophy and Process Behind Acupuncture Has Remained the Same Despite the Advancement of Its Techniques
Even during the Stone Age, acupuncture has been around for a number of millennia. Throughout the development of Chinese history, it has evolved into the kind of treatment we see today. In different parts of the world, acupuncture is being used in slightly different ways. There are also many theories as to how it really works and why it is so effective in treating multitudes of diseases.
In ancient China, the theory behind acupuncture was based on the Taoist point of view. Today, Western researchers have developed various scientific theories that are more in tune with modern empirical science. The integration of Western and Eastern philosophy is becoming more and more noticeable in modern practice.
When acupuncture first began to be used more than 5,000 years ago, there were no needles back then. Historians believe that back then, the first acupuncture needles used were carved out of stone. The thin steel acupuncture needles we are familiar with first appeared 2,000 years ago. Historians believe that the use of needles was inspired by the effects of acupressure and massage on certain pressure points in the body. The needles produced a similar therapeutic effect as that of those two therapies.
How Does Chinese Acupuncture Work?
Today, hardly anyone can deny that acupuncture does not play an important role in the promotion of health and the restoration of balance in an individual. While a number of medical researchers are debating as to how acupuncture really works, the current accepted notion is that the treatment helps produce and release feel-good chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins through the stimulation of pressure points on specific parts of the body.
So, when compared to any painkilling medication, this treatment is far more potent as it uses endorphins and enkephalins which are considered the body’s own natural pain killing chemicals. In ancient Chinese acupuncture, inflammation is reduced, the muscles are relaxed, and the immune systems are enhanced. Acupuncture helps boost the movement of energy since all the major organs in the body rely on natural electricity to stay healthy and function well. Acupuncture can effectively treat various types of conditions including injury, back ache, menstrual cramping, arthritis, obesity, and many more.
Bellingham Ancient Chinese acupuncture and modern acupuncture basically follow the same healing principle. But when they are combined with other treatments, their effectiveness is boosted much further. For example, in order to stimulate the pressure points, in lieu of needles, we can choose electro-acupuncture therapy instead that can be combined with beam laser therapy and pulsating electrical currents to target the pressure points.
The general process and philosophy behind ancient Chinese acupuncture hasn’t evolved despite the advancement of its healing technique. If you want to experience the health benefits of this ancient Oriental healing art, why not give it a try on your next medical treatment.