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The Importance Of Feng Shui In A Person’s Health

One of the stronger points of classical feng shui is to provide people the capacity to confirm how the dwelling may be affecting a person’s health in certain ways. This can be achieved in various aspects. One aspect is to determine the birth information of the dweller. Each individual has susceptibility to certain illnesses based on their personal gua or trigram. For instance, in the Qian trigram, men born in 1958 are likely to have issues related to the lungs or head. This vulnerability won’t change no matter where they decide to live, but the energy of the dwelling could either raise or reduce this vulnerability.

A second aspect is to ascertain whether any negative influence or “sha” exists in a certain direction. A southwest direction, for instance, specifically affects the stomach region; hence, if the southwest area of a dwelling contains a certain negative influence (i.e., a crack in the floor, ceiling, or wall), it could bring about stomach problems in any member of the family. Occasionally, a feng shui expert can foretell the family member who’ll most likely experience a health problem.

A third aspect is to consider the age of the structure, specific areas of the dwelling can lead to even more health predispositions. The localized influences can even have a greater impact when an individual spends a lot of time in a specific part of the dwelling. Hence, in classical feng shui, the most important part of a dwelling is the bedroom, obviously because people we spend one-third of their lives sleeping in this area.

The art of feng shui also encompasses the outside areas surrounding a dwelling and if these areas have some form of environmental sha, it can have a predictable, typical impact on health. For instance, some people believe that if you live in an area near an electrical transformer set atop a utility pole, the transformer’s EMF energy can have a negative effect on your health. In feng shui, if there is a potentially negative object just outside your dwelling, the direction where it lies is another aspect that can impact in you in certain ways. For instance, if there is something negative in the southern area of your dwelling, it can have a different impact when it is located in the northern side of your dwelling.

Feng shui practitioners use the term “modern Feng Shui hazards” to characterize a number of negative influences for exteriors and interiors that are distinctly modern phenomena, and not the kind depicted about in ancient Chinese scrolls. The synthetic substances used in the making of furnishings and homes can have an impact on health as much as chemtrails and outdoor air pollution. The fluoride that is being placed in our water systems, the genetically modified foods that are being sold in the supermarkets, and the harmful electromagnetic energy and radiations generated by our appliances, cell phones, and computers all can be very deadly to us. Even the so-called environment friendly hybrid cars can be a health hazard if you drive or ride on one every day for at least a couple hours.

So, if you are wondering whether the feng Shui influences of a real estate can suggest a probability of cancer, the answer to that is yes. One also has to deal with geopathic stress besides the cancer-causing elements that plague modern societies today. This geopathic stress may be caused by “natural” events like underground turbulences that can negatively affect the health of a person over the course of time. These commotions occurring underground and within mountains have been known by Chinese geomancers for thousands of years. Those ancient feng shui artists used some very mysterious and cryptic terms like “dragon veins” to depict the qi anomalies going on in the natural world.

When a structure has been built, it creates a magnetic field. Feng shui uses the flying stars, which is the digital systematization of a magnetic field in order to determine whether the energy is likely to cause a specific health problem in a person, which unless addressed, can turn into a deadly illness like cancer. For instance, a practitioner can perform a classical Feng Shui audit on a structure even without the need to personally see the structure, and turn to the space-time calculations in the audit. A structure built in 1970, facing magnetic northeast at 45 degrees, for instance, will likely have an energy field in its eastern portion that may worsen a health condition and may even likely help bring about cancer. This may be more likely to occur if a person spends a lot of time in that (eastern) part of the structure.

The Five Yellow Star depictions are well-known by people who practice the Xuan Kong Flying Star. These depictions are related to the multiplying and dividing processes of cells dividing and to pain. There is a high correlation of people with cancer whose bedrooms are within an area having the Five Yellow Star qi. Some cancer patients sleep in rooms that have the 2 star, which in feng shui is also related to illness in general. For several decades, the 2 star energy has been connected to illness and even death, but in 2024, it will start an upward cycle that will transform its negative energy into a positive one that will last six decades. These “stars” are merely energies and they undergo major cycles of negativity and positivity.

Since there is such a thing as bad feng shui that can contribute to or cause cancer, there is also such a thing as good Feng Shui that can aid in the remission of cancer. You obviously need medical help if you have cancer in order to destroy the malignant cancer cells in your. You also need to also eat a healthy diet filled with minerals and vitamins as well as live in a clean; radiation-, toxic-, and stress-free; and oxygen-rich environment, which is also one aspect of feng shui.

People with cancer who have made the proper modifications to their living spaces with the help of feng shui practitioners can experience an improvement in their condition. But since cancer can spring from several causes some of which cannot be controlled like, genetics, modifying one’s dwelling and environment alone may not be enough to cure it.

Health Source Acupuncture is an acupuncture clinic in Linwood, WA providing Chinese medicine treatments for many health conditions.