The Healing Benefits Of Qi Gong For The Soul, Mind, And Body
In the world all around us, stress is a pervasive factor- we worry about the safety of our water and food and about the environment, we have fears over the political instabilities happening all around the world, and have to deal with financial anxieties over the economy. A lot of people are affected by the negative energies that come from concerns and worries of other people even if they are not directly focused on their stressors.
Stress is based on messages that are interpreted by the body. The adverse energetic vibrations associated with stress are extremely erratic, and may lead to some level of uncertainty and disorientation.
People who are very prone to stress may feel lost, uncertain where they should be headed or where they are in their lives. Feelings that are unresolved can cause physical and emotional health problems. Studies have, in fact, shown that many forms of chronic stress are tied to a greater risk of heart attacks and heart disease. Chronic stress can cause health problems as it increases the amounts of adrenal steroid hormones and adrenalin in the body.
According to one homeopathic study, adrenalin arousal can be compared to “a car engine being left idling at high speed.” Even a simple dispute can make our blood pressure shoot up and make our hearts beat faster. Disturbed sleep and depression, which can create other health issues, can also be caused by stress. Stress is not just a personal matter, it may adversely impact the relationship you have between family and friends; anyone in touch with the stressed individual can be negatively affected. We may be unable to control what other people do, feel, or say, or control events, but we can control the various stresses that we have to deal with every day.
Practicing the ancient Chinese healing art of qigong (or Chi gong) in Spokane is one extremely effective and very safe way of soothing these unsettling energetic vibrations generated by stress. When we practice Qi Gong, we allow our energy to flow freely which can help us feel more balanced – emotionally and physically. Qi Gong practices involve performing an internal exercise to balance Qi (our body’s energy), simple movements, visualization, and breathing.
The Chinese have been performing qi gong exercises for thousands of years as a way to calm the spirit, mind, and body. Qi is the energy of creation. It is the vital energy of our body, the energy of life itself. It is in all living things, animals, plants, and people. The original energy of the universe is called Universal Qi. All of us are born with qi and blood. The Gong in qi gong means to practice or work. Qi gong therefore, means to practice with life energy.
Qi Gong – The Benefits
When you practice qi gong, you are focusing consciously upon holding and building up qi within the body to maintain and increase vitality. When you are practicing qi gong, your mind forgets the stress around you. You free yourself of worries and thoughts as you concentrate on moving and working the qi.
On several instances, some of us have heard participants report that their problems are not only forgotten while they practice Qi Gong, their pain and aches seem to also go away. When one practices, their stress starts to decrease in their body naturally.
Qi boosts the immune system and balances the body. It promotes stability and security to the emotional body. It raises your levels of energy, enabling you to feel content and more connected. Practicing qi gong daily can boost your general health, keeping you strong, and making you youthful. Even though the practice may be uncomplicated, we recommend that you learn from a qualified instructor who has positive Qi energy. The exercises should be performed for at least 5 – 20 minutes a day.
While there are thousands forms of qi qong involving discipline, regular practice, and in a lot of instances, light physical movement, qi gong is neither a competition, nor a sport. It is about promoting health through meditation, controlled breathing, and focused relaxation. Wu’s Fitness & Health Qi Gong, Longevity Qi gong, Wu’s Anti-Cancer, and Wu’s Eye Qi Gong, are some of the more famous forms of qi gong. It is after all, for all those who have a desire to take charge of, and to partake in their own well-being. And you will actually look forward to your practice because practicing makes you feel good.
An Uncomplicated Qi Gong exercise
By performing this easy Qi Gong exercise to relieve stress you may be able to connect with Universal qi from the earth and heaven:
1. Stand relaxed with your arms beside your body, your tongue touching the palate and your knees slightly bent.
2. Inhale through your nose. Imagine positive qi descending from the universe and penetrating through the crown of your head.
3. Exhale through your nose. Imagine the qi cleansing and detoxifying your body, washing away the stress, down to your feet and out to the earth. Repeat, if you so desire.
Inherently Qi gong raises your consciousness and transports your emotional body into a more positive state. You must think about moving the Qi, when you start move the body. When you perform the exercises, any feelings of concern and worry will effortlessly and naturally go away. Qi gong is an extremely relaxing therapy that heals and balances your soul, mind, and body. Within us, it brings in a sense of well-being that gives us the power to cope with stress and the stressors in our life in a far more efficient way.