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Seven Feng Shui Tips To Dispel Stress And Promote Peace In Your Life And Home

Feng Shui is a method of being one with your environment by setting it up in such a way that it helps reduce stress. From painting inviting and warm colors to eliminating clutter in your home or office, you can be sure that your spaces are not in conflict with your spirit qi energy or spirit. Feng Shui is the art of finding your balance through yin and yang. It is an effective way to reduce stress. Listed below are seven ways feng shui can help reduce your stress.

  1. Feng shui generates a relaxing environment that helps increase productivity and relieves stress.  One aspect of feng shui is the clothes you wear. Dressing in sandals and loose clothing is what you should wear to reduce stress.
  • To create a stress free and most relaxing environment, feng shui practitioners recommend the use of feng shui items such as crystals, bells, flute, and bamboo plant. These things can help you establish balance with nature.
  • Stress levels can be reduced by using a color chart to find the colors that are in tune with your personality. Pain inviting and warm colors your bedroom color, which tend to help lessen the levels of stress in people.
  • Stretching promotes flexibility to your joints and body, which can also result in a flexible mind. The less likely tension builds up in your life and body when you feel when your muscles and joints moving with a sense of ease.
  • You are not considered a true practitioner of Feng Shui if you have a disorganized and clutter-filled life. By applying Feng Shui techniques to eliminate clutter in your life and organize your life; you’ll be able to feel less stressed and more productive so much so that peace will eventually come to your life and home.
  • Feng Shui integrates relaxing music and the sounds of nature to help calm your soul and bring relaxation and peace in your mind.
  • To bring Yin and Yang into balance, feng shui promotes meditation as a way to attain peace from within.

Zuobiao (Roy) Yuan is a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of chinese medicine in Edina, MN.