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Scar tissue Treatment Using Chinese Massage Therapy and Acupuncture

Traditional acupuncture can be used to help scar tissue become more functional. As a natural consequence of the body after an injury, scars may superficially look small and therefore innocuous measuring a few millimeters to a few inches in length. These scars can, in reality however, be thick under the surface of the skin, rigid, and long. Doctors and acupuncturists who have long experience treating these issues are able to properly evaluate the dimensions of scars.

A lot of scars in people are due to gross trauma. It may come from constant micro-tearing over time such as what happens when a regularly exercising person does not do stretching exercises after a workout or he continues exercising without ever pausing to rest in between workouts.

Scars potentially can lead to dysfunction and pain but sadly more often than not, medical professionals tend to ignore this health issue. Doctors and alternative health practitioners who have treated scars have seen the benefits scar removal can give a person and these benefits are by no means insignificant.

Acupuncturists have discovered that some of the physical complaints of their patients stem from a scar tissue that is rigid or immobile:

A scar can potentially generate chronic pain around or in the region where it is located; it may also even cause pain and dysfunction in areas remote from it. There are people who have suffered from chronic lower back pain because of a scar in their stomach. The back pain dramatically disappears or dissipates instantly once the scar in the stomach has been treated. Sometimes patients with a scar in their stomach complain of a pulling sensation or tightness in their groin. Making the scar tissue more mobile led to the curing of the tightness/pulling sensation.

Some patients complain about a longstanding tight sensation while doing their stretching exercises. Some scars may not affect the person’s full range of motion, they problem they generate is muscle tightness. If a neurological condition has been ruled out, then the doctor may allude the problem to a scar tissue that cause the patient to feel tightness is in the muscle (such as the hamstring located at the back of the thigh) no matter how much the muscle is stretched.

Some patients may experience postural dysfunction that result in pain. Thick and tight scars can force the patient to readjust the way he sits, stands, or walk. Lower back, shoulder, and neck pain as well as headaches can be the result of this postural issue.

Chronic swelling can also be a health problem caused by scar tissues. Pain may be felt when the scar is tight enough to bear pressure on blood vessels, nerves and other body structures. Fluid accumulation in affected areas may also occur because of scars. Fluids may also be prevented from moving in an area where a scar is located. This issue may develop during surgery and may lead to incessant pain besides the pain caused by the surgery. Swelling may occur due to fluid welling up in the place where a scar is located. Thus besides causing pain, the scar can prevent the lowering of fluid leading to pressure on sensitive areas and opening up another source of pain. Treatment of this type of scar will result in the relief of pain and the lowering of the swelling. Oftentimes treatment of this type of scar leads to dramatic improvements.

Patients can become too self-conscious of a specific part of the body where the scar tissue can be quite thick. It may cause emotional stress to them and lead to low self-esteem and insecurity.

Acupuncturists and other traditional Chinese medicine practitioners often combine massage therapy with acupuncture for the treatment of scar tissue. Utilizing this combo has lead to much better results compared to effects of standalone massage therapy. The truth is that Tui Na (Chinese massage), Gua Sha (scraping) and traditional acupuncture have greatly affected scar treatments and has led to the successful curing of so many cases of scar tissue problems.

Here are the benefits you can expect when using traditional Chinese acupuncture and massage therapy for the treatment of scar tissues:

-In TCM, a mobile scar can help improve the vital energy or qi of the body
-Posture improvement from transformation of an immobile scar to one that is mobile and non rigid
-In terms of cosmetics, acupuncture and massage therapy, can flatten out a thick scar leading to a sense of wellbeing and increased confidence
-Treatment of swelling
-Enhanced circulation to a specific part of the body that will result in healing
-Much better flexibility, mobility, and motion
-Relief of pain

Is Acupuncture Treatment for Scar Removal Painful?

Since acupuncture is about sticking needles into the skin people automatically think that it is a painful procedure. The truth is acupuncture may generate a tingling or numbing sensation (not pain) once the needles are inserted into the skin. Yes, these can be considered discomforts and when you have yourself treated by a qualified and well-experienced acupuncturist in Miami, you can expect a pain-free and even very relaxing procedure. The level of discomfort may vary depending on what type of scar you have and its characteristics. However, the discomfort goes away once the effect of the treatment kick in and will be replaced with a pleasant sensation that causes a lot of patients to comfortably sleep for the remainder of the procedure.

The needles used for acupuncture are not the ones used in hospitals for injections. Acupuncture needles used are as thin as the hair in your scalp and generates a light pressure or prick when the needles are inserted. This is in contrast with the needles used in injections which are a lot bigger and thicker generating real painful when they’re inserted into the body.

During treatment a sensation of numbness, aching, soreness, heaviness and heat may occur. These are all normal body reactions to the treatment. Acupoints are near the areas of the body where blood vessels and nerves are located. The nervous system is the body system directly affected by the treatment

Over time the effects of the treatment are quite impressive. It is important to note however that not everyone will benefit from acupuncture and that this treatment will generate different and unique responses per patient.

So, if you are suffering from tightness or chronic pain, remember to consider acupuncture as one of your treatment options.