Qi Gong Exercises That Can Help Increase Qi In Your Body
According to ancient Chinese medicine, if your lung is unwell, you have nose congestion. Also, each organ in the system of the Chinese healing arts needs to be balanced in a manner that the life energy or Qi of the body can link with the other organs and cause the whole body to become a holistic system. This means that it is impossible to view one body part or organ as a detached problem without considering the entire body system. The blood is where life energy (Qi) is found. Blood is needed by Qi to nourish it and Qi needs blood to move it. Therefore, we need to strengthen the Qi in our blood in order to boost blood flow.
Practicing the ancient Chinese ancient healing practice of Qi Gong is an excellent way to boost our Qi. Focusing on relaxation, gentle motions to carry out an internal exercise, and mind control through the use of standing or sitting postures coupled with mind control are major components of Qi Gong.
According to Chinese medicine practitioners in West Orange, a specific part of the body has “bad” Qi or Qi blockages in that area when it is sick, ailing or in pain. To clear the Qi blockages in our body, it is necessary to enhance the circulation of blood. When the body is besieged with stress, these blockages arise. Whatever part of the body area is deficient in Qi, that part may be the underlying cause of health problems and is where the blockages are located. For example, a person experiencing asthma or other breathing problems may suffer blockages of Qi in the nose, trachea, or lungs. To rid of bad Qi, we must clean ourselves from the inside. When bad Qi is cleansed off the body, health improves and the body starts to feel better.
There are quite a few of video documentaries on Qi gong that have been televised over the years and medical studies have also conducted regarding it that show how Qi Gong can be an effective way of treating various health conditions.
Clinical studies have shown that capillaries in the body tend to normally function at fifty to sixty percent capacity while for people in good health, it can function a maximum of seventy to eighty percent. This is why sometimes the facial color of some people is pale due to the fact that their capillaries are not totally free of blockage. If the opening of our capillaries is freed of any blockages, the circulation of blood can definitely be enhanced. Body areas that ordinarily receive less blood will start to receive more during a practice of Qi Gong. This helps deliver T-cells, antibodies, oxygen, and nutrients to all parts of the body. At the core of Qi Gong theory is the idea of “improved blood circulation”. All illness has its beginnings in the circulation of blood. Any health issues will get better when there is better and stronger blood circulation.
Oxygen, which is indispensible in the proper functioning of the body, is breathed in by the lungs. We all need oxygen to survive. Oxygen is needed by the heart to pump and beat blood. Healthy people breathe an average of 17 breaths a minute. Qi Gong beginners learn how to relax by practicing breathing slower by about four breaths a minute. This practice of slow breathing allows a person to breathe in more oxygen into the lungs. Veteran practitioners work on even slower breathing such as two breaths a minute.
Besides taking in more oxygen in the body, during Qi Gong practice, we can also take in more Qi to use as reserve in our body. We can say that we are literally creating more Qi. Usually, it actually surprises people by how “hot” they can get by doing few and simple hand movements. When we do swimming, basketball, running or other physical exercises regularly, we consume lots of physical energy and this benefits our organs indirectly, but in these activities, there is less return of Qi in our bodies. Unlike when we do Qi Gong exercise, we exhaust very little physical energy. The exercise/movements also cause us to relax and help get us a lot of Qi directly into the organs of the body. We need to conserve our Qi when we want our body to heal so that it can use this Qi to heal any illness we may have. It is very important for sick people or people with poor health to conserve their Qi and perform less physical exercises so that their bodies can have the strength to heal by themselves. The can engage in more physical exercises once more when they become better.
Qi Gong Practices That Can Help Improve Breathing
1. Position: You may choose to sit or stand. If you elect to sit, your legs should stick out a third over the perimeter of the chair. Legs should be parallel to each other and open to shoulder width, hands rested on legs near to knees and palms facing up. Your head should be in level position, chin slightly in, waist straight. Relax waist/chest/back, and place tongue near roof of the mouth. Eyes are looking far ahead and closed lightly.
Open the leg to shoulder position if you elect to stand, turn toes in gently and bend knees slightly.
2. Relaxing the entire body: Breathe in lightly and inhale with the nose. Breathe out while relaxing your head. Using the same procedure continue to relax the neck, toes, shoulder, feet, chest, legs, stomach, fingers, back, hands, and arms. Then visualize relaxing your entire body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes three more times.
3. Close and open arms exercise: Stretch your arms in front of your body to around shoulder height. Breathe in and stretch arms sideward to a “T” position. As you return your arms in front of the body, breathe out well. Repeat this procedure 9 to 35 times.
4. Open your arms and imagine yourself collecting lots of Qi. Then close your hands over your bellybutton. (For men, place right hand over left. For women, put left hand over right). You need to accumulate Qi at the end of every practice in order to store it into your body.
It is suggested that you perform these movements two times a day. Understand that you improve the life energy in your chest by the simple act of opening up your arms.
If you or someone you know suffers from health problems like asthma, with the proper practice of Qi that you can learn from a Master of Qi Gong, you may be able to learn to manage these illnesses. As you become aware of how much you can actually improve by practicing every day, you may realize that your illness-plagued days are becoming few and far between. Over time, the symptoms of mucus, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and the asthma itself slowly vanishes.
Everyone should take the first step to practice and integrate Qi Gong exercise into your everyday life. Your health will certainly improve in a safe and significant way!