Profound Experiences Can Be Felt During Acupuncture Treatments
Central to a lot of healing treatment from ancient Shamanic healing to Jungian psychoanalysis is the concept of The Shadow. In new age way of thinking, the healer is the one who traditionally treks into the nether world on behalf of his/her “patient.” The truth is, when properly understood the art of healing can be a terrific way to understand what goes on when a person is being healed.
One cannot talk about the health of the modern person without including the environment. Every day and all day since birth, a person has been asked to process stimuli or information that often is in conflict with the way we see ourselves, our beliefs, and ideals. To prevent us from going mad, our mind develops a repository in which to store things that does not fit our environment. This repository cannot be accessed by anything or anyone until it has been judged harshly by other or ourselves. And so, in order to match our environment, we start to deny who we really are.
Within this repository are raw traumas that have been very difficult to endure. For it to not affect our health, all you need to do is release the trauma completely which implies that one needs to experience all the pain and discomfort that comes with it. But to continue to participate in society, we would rather hold onto the shadow as much as we can. The shadow, however, naturally wants to come out and it needs to come out.
What does this all mean? It is no accident that we have certain traits that have been considered undesirable by society. We have them for a reason. During our birth, our traits prepare us and are ready to help us on our paths to life. They were meant to aid us when we need them and especially designed for us and only for us.
Some Cleveland acupuncturists have discovered that deep healing happens for several reasons during an acupuncture procedure. Some of them have observed that during acupuncture, people tend to escape linear time. They transcend the three dimensional world of reactions, demands, and schedules. A lot of times, all that pulls them down, they are able to let go. They also go to a space where both their subconscious and conscious mind can integrate and mingle with each other and they are moved closer and closer towards wholeness (oneness) when this happens.
One of the phrases closest to my heart is the saying, “Illness helps us manifest our destiny.” For me, this means that your symptoms are your guides. Respect and heed them since they bring you to a much closer alignment to whom you really are and always push you into being more creative and guide you towards more joy.