Preparing for Surgery with the Help of Acupuncture
You may want to consider acupuncture if you are about to undergo major surgery. Acupuncture is a very helpful way to prepare yourself before surgery as well as to help you recover quicker after the surgery. A lot of major surgeries do entail intensive and long rehabilitation and they can be very debilitating as well. With acupuncture, you may be able to significantly reduce the time required to completely recover post-surgery and help you get back all healthy and fully functioning once more.
Pre-Surgery Acupuncture
Why would a person need to receive acupuncture just before undergoing a surgical procedure? Well, a lot of acupuncturists and other practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine in Miami would tell you that acupuncture can greatly improve a person’s immune system when certain acupuncture points and energy pathways in the body are stimulated. This stimulation helps boost your immune function prior to surgery quickening your healing process and lessening your recovery time.
In addition to that, acupuncture can likewise aid in reducing your tension and stress that you may feel as the time of your surgery approaches thus preparing you for the operation not only physically but emotionally as well.
Post Surgery Acupuncture
After surgery, acupuncture can make patients recover faster than those who have not availed of the treatment. The duration of recovery after a major operation can be several weeks to two months faster, based on the type of operation a patient has undergone and the time of recovery involved.
Of course, there may be certain factors that can affect how fast a patient can recover after a major operation and a large number of rehabilitation procedures need to be considered as well. These procedures may include physical therapy and other rehabilitative treatments that aid in the fast and painless recovery of the patient.
Even a day after the surgery, acupuncture treatments can already be done on the patient. Licensed and experienced acupuncturists ordinarily will needle distal acupuncture points to boost blood flow to areas that have been operated on and/or have been bandaged. Also, acupuncture can be used to relieve the swelling and remove the pain. And, as mentioned a while ago, acupuncture either for pre-surgery or post –surgery purposes can provide a patient with a strong immune system in order to accelerate the healing process. Acupuncture works best when it is combined with physical therapy that also helps boost blood circulation.
As with all treatments though, one should consult with his/her doctor first before actually getting acupuncture therapy before and after surgery.
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Vancouver, BC V6H 1G7, Canada
(604) 733-2632