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PMS Lifestyles and Home Remedies

Some of the best ways to remedy your mild or moderate PMS symptoms should include changes to your diet and lifestyle that do not require any medication intake. One big reason why medicines should be avoided is that they have side effects that can even be worse than your PMS symptoms.

Some of the advices in helping you consistently eat a daily balanced and healthy diet are listed below.

  • Consume a lot of vegetables and fruits especially those that are filled with minerals and vitamins as they may greatly help in relieving your PMS symptoms. You can eat least consume five portions a day.
  • Do not drink alcohol and caffeine – These two substances can impact (lower) your energy and mood levels.
  • Consume foods rich in calcium – These can include milk and cheese. They can help improve the psychological and physical symptoms of PMS. If you have a condition that prevents you from consuming dairy, then opt for calcium-fortified soya alternatives instead.
  • Consume large amounts of complex carbohydrates – These foods are often found in whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink copious amounts of water – This is to avoid dehydration which can make your fatigue and headaches even worse.
  • Stop eating salty foods – Too much salt intake can lead to edema (fluid retention) and bloating.
  • Consume smaller meals a lot more to limit bloating in the body.


If you can, strive to perform moderately intense aerobics for a minimum of 2.5 hours per one whole week. These exercises can involve cycling, swimming and walking. Exercise does lead to a healthy and strong body and helps lessen fatigue and depression.

Breathing and stretching exercises like pilates and yoga can make you get better sleep and lessen stress in your mind and body. Massage and acupuncture can also provide relaxing ways that will help calm your mind and also let you get a full and refreshing sleep.

You can also monitor your symptoms for a few months to help you get an idea of the timing and the triggers of your symptoms. This can enable you to formulate steps and ways that may aid in lessening your symptoms.

Complementary medicines

Supplements and alternative treatments abound that have been proven effective in the easing of PMS symptoms in some women. Some of these complementary therapies include minerals and vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin B6 and magnesium.

You need to consult with your doctor first before taking any of these supplements and complementary medicines. If you have decided to try them, limit your intake to one product at a time to see how effective it works for you. If don’t see any improvements to your symptoms after three months, then talk again with your doctor who may give you replacement treatment.


There are women who seek recourse to herbal remedies for their PMS symptoms. Many of these herbs have been quite effective for the majority of users for the alleviation of their PMS symptoms. These herbs can include:

  • Evening primrose oil
  • Chasteberry
  • Dandelion
  • Raspberry leaf
  • Ginger
  • Black cohosh

Christina Prieto is an Orlando acupuncturist, a certified Yoga instructor and the founder of Harmony Wellness center in central Florida.