PCOS Can be Effectively Cured with Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
Millions of women in the United States are fighting a losing battle when it comes to losing weight. They engage in various weight-loss programs without success. All of the long hours in the gym and all the dieting leave them hungry, frustrated, and fatigued. Well, some of these women may probably be a bit surprised that their weight gain might not be a fault of their own. They may by suffering from a hormonal issue known as PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome that has a symptom of weight gain that makes it all but impossible to lose weight no matter what type of dieting or exercise they try.
PCOS can bring about a number of possible symptoms. The good news is that there are many available treatments that both Western and Eastern medicine offers for patients with this type of condition can avail of. Western modes of treatment may include drugs and hormone therapy while Eastern treatments may use Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture in Spokane.
PCOS sufferers tend to develop a lot of cysts on their ovaries, which accounts for the name of the condition. Symptoms and signs of PCOS include increase in weight, especially in the stomach, irregular menstruation, obesity, acne, excess facial hair growth, and hair thinning in the scalp. Women with PCOS who tend to exercise intensively will discover that no matter how hard they exercise, the weight in their stomach just won’t seem to go away leaving them extremely frustrated. They may experience a skipped period or have menstrual cycles that are delayed, and when they their menses come, it is often extremely painful. This cyclical disruption can make it also hard for them to get pregnant. The truth is that one of the tops causes of female infertility is PCOS and women who seem to have a hard time attaining pregnancy do not know that they suffer from this reproductive problem. Thankfully, Chinese medicine is available to help restore their normal ovulation, balance their body, and normalize their menstrual cycle.
Chinese medicine is a holistic type of treatment. This implies that suffering from a certain condition doesn’t necessarily mean that every person requires the same type of treatment. Acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners treat the underlying reason of the condition and not just its symptoms. PCOS can be diagnosed from three different causes. A sufferer can suffer from one of these causes, a couple of them, or from all of them with the last combination being the most commonly diagnosed. These three diagnoses are Damp and/or Phlegm Accumulation, Blood and/or Qi Stagnation, and deficiency in Kidney Yang. A woman suffering from all three causes will have one syndrome that will predominate. Acupuncture therapies combined with Chinese herbal medicine are used to Tonify Kidney Yang, move Blood and Qi, and remove damp and phlegm. It’s been demonstrated in a number of studies that one of the most effective forms of acupunctures treatment for PCOS is electro-acupuncture. This technique utilizes low electrical current generated by machines running run on 9-volt batteries, to decrease the levels of testosterone in PCOS patients.
PCOS sufferers need to consider their condition as serious since PCOS can result in much serious complication like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, or obesity, not to mention the physical signs of this disease. To avoid hormone therapy and to keep you r hormones balanced, you need to have a plan of treatment that uses the safe modalities of Chinese herbs and acupuncture and a daily exercise program.