Neuropathy Can Be Safely Treated With Acupuncture
Being unable to control your feet or arms because of pain in the extremities is difficult to imagine but for those suffering from neuropathy, this inability is an experience they have to deal with on a daily basis. Thanks to the advances in medical treatments, we fortunately, have a way to manage this condition.
Hardly anyone could have ever imagined that there is a more superior but very ancient treatment to neuropathy than the best ointments and drugs that are available today. This ancient therapy is known as acupuncture
Neuropathy Treatment
A disease in which the nerves are damaged, neuropathy causes distortions in the nerve signals which result in numbness, tingling, or pain in the extremities or the entire body. When numbness and pain is at an advanced stage, disruption of motor skills or loss of balance can occur. The first effected parts of the body are the feet; the legs come next although in some instances it can begin with the hands and then the arms.
Acupuncture is used to improve mood, relax muscles, and relieve pain it is a multi-millennial therapy that involves the insertion of hair thin needles into specific points in the body known as acupuncture points or acupoints, for short. A lot of acupoints lie just above the meridians, these are channels in which energy or qi flows. The meridians are associated with various organs in the body which both possess physical and energetic qualities. If qi is stagnant or of its levels are in excess or deficient, they result in illness. Acupuncture fixes the qi imbalance in the body which leads to the healing of the illness. After the needles have been inserted, they are left in the body for around 20 to 45 minutes. During those times, the acupuncturist may adjust qi flow by manipulating the needles in certain ways.
Acupuncture is applied to both the back and front of the body when used to treat neuropathy. The needles are inserted in the legs, arms and other parts of the body when the patient is lying face up. Needles are inserted in the lumbar area where the spinal nerves go out the spinal column when the patient is face down. The treatment can immediately produce effects such as a quick amelioration of the pain. With more sessions however, the results can produce more benefits that are long lasting, and sometimes even permanent.
In the treatment of conditions such as neuropathy, the acupuncturist needs to take into account several various factors such as the patient’s age, overall health, the magnitude of the disease, and even his (the acupuncturist) skill in order to properly diagnose and treat the condition. Make sure you’re well informed, prepared, and have chosen the right practitioner in West Orange you If want to try acupuncture treatment for neuropathy.