Natural Remedies that Help Treat PMS Symptoms
Chinese acupuncture is a time tested healing tradition that has been practiced for more than 4000 years. It has been proven to treat scores of ailments, including PMS and other issues related to women’s health. PMS or Premenstrual syndrome is usually marked by chronic symptoms just before the start of the menstrual cycle. Some of these symptoms include food cravings, changes in the female’s emotional state and changes in the skin, cramping, discomfort and pain.
Some of the more popular ways to treat these symptoms are to lower your intake of caffeine, take vitamins, eat a highly nutritious diet, exercise and remove stressors. Sadly these basic changes in lifestyle are often inadequate to alleviate the discomforts of those suffering from chronic PMS.
Does PMS have a solution?
In spite of this bad news, PMS sufferers can find hope with acupuncture, a treatment that has been around for thousands of years. Acupuncture can help relieve these monthly ailments by obliterating blockages to energy bringing back vitality in the body. A licensed acupuncturist or herbalist can provide you with an effective and permanent cure for the imbalances connected with this condition.
Natural Remedies that Help Treat PMS Symptoms
An acupuncturist is knowledgeable in identifying the points on the body that need to be stimulated to help remove the blockages where Qi flows. This practitioner may focus on removing blockages or relieve certain maladies like stagnation of Qi. With just a few months of treatment, the patient can be wholly treated of the stagnation that brought about her PMS symptoms.
Chinese Herbs
Besides acupuncture, certain Chinese herbal formulas can help to bring back balance and harmonize the body systems. Hsiao Yao Huan is an herbal formula widely used to treat PMS. When translated, Hsiao Yao literally means “Free and Easy Pill.” It can be purchased in TCM clinics or health food stores. This formula is made up of several herbs that all work to relieve pain, calm the Liver, fortify the Spleen. nourish the Blood and correct Qi stagnation.
Lifestyle Accommodations
Qi gong, Tai Chi and other physical practices are likewise very effective therapies against illness, as they maintain the continuous flow of energy in the body. When Qi flows easily and freely, discomforts and diseases are significantly reduced.
Improve Your Life
It is wrong to think that monthly onsets of PMS symptoms are a way of life, and there is very little anyone can do to alter that. Becoming proactively involved in addressing this monthly condition can greatly enhance your vitality and sense of health.
Scott Paglia is a licensed and board certified acupuncturist in Bellingham, WA and provides master level pulse diagnosis, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture in Whatcom County, WA.