Moxibustion Therapy For Treatment Of Menstrual Cramping
The ancient fire heat therapy technique of Moxibustion is designed to stimulate pre-selected acupuncture points in the body. This therapy is one of many healing modalities that utilize heat for healing.
Moxibustion is sometimes used to address menstrual cramping, which is not only common but also extremely painful or uncomfortable. About three quarters of women suffer from menstrual cramping and it takes various kinds of drugs to treat it. The basic concept underlying all forms of moxibustion techniques is that heat has the ability to move stagnant energy in the body.
One other positive effect of Moxibustion is the promotion of better blood flow in the body. A lot of women have declared that this form of therapy provides prompt alleviation of painful cramping.
How Does Moxibustion Treat Menstrual Cramping?
Marlton Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners use moxa sticks to treat menstrual cramps. The sticks are commonly sold as wrapped stick. They have to be carefully peeled off before use, so that the practitioner has enough peel on the stick to hold it comfortably. Some practitioners remove the whole wrapper and use a heat insulator or a clean cloth to hold the stick.
The open end of the stick is lighted with the help of a matchbox or lighter after the practitioner takes out the wrapper from the half of the moxa stick. The burning end of the stick is blown out so that the end starts to smoke. Because this stick will be used on the stomach region, wherein the cramping is felt, all forms of clothing on this body part should be removed.
The parts of the body that should be exposed are from the lower part of ribs to the pubic bone. The patient can seek help from others if she is having difficulty doing it herself. Then the stick of smoldering moxa is moved over the whole exposed stomach region. The stick’s smoking end should not touch the skin. It actually should stay ½ inch away from the skin.
While the moxa sticks are usually sold in the form of flattened sticks, you need to make sure that the stick is above the stomach area lying in a horizontal position, which means that the moxa should be held flat. The stick is continuously waved so that whole stomach region receives the heat.
The moxa stick is normally waved for about 15 to 20 minutes. Because menstrual cramping actually occurs in a region lying over the uterus, preference should be given in waving the smoldering stick of moxa.
The patient must see to it that movement of the stick is generating a warming effect on the skin. In certain instances, her skin may become slightly red due to the constant waving of moxa stick. Once the treatment session is done, the fire in the moxa stick is extinguished. The rest of the moxa stick can be stored so that it can be used it a later time.
Maximizing Moxibustion Benefits
To maximize the benefits of moxibustion, drink a cup of chamomile before undergoing therapy. Lots of patients who have tried moxibustion have found it an ideal way to get rid of menstrual cramping. Also, following a session, the patient should lie down and rest.