Intense Wellness
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La-Jing Therapy For Treatment Of High Blood Pressure And Physical Pains

A Chinese exercise for addressing shrunken tendons, La-Jing is used to address various ailments such as spasms; leg pain; back pain; waist pain; neck pain; hard to do physical activities; soreness or numbness of the knee, elbow, and hand; leg length inequality; and difficult kneeling or bending. Famed Hong Kong master and practitioner of TCM in Bellingham, Cheng-Chiang Zhu, established a simple La-Jing technique based on 50 years of clinical experience. This technique is very inexpensive so much so that almost every person can easily avail of its use. It produces immediate results, easy to practice, and safe suitable for all people (female, male, old, or young) to practice. You can perform it at the office or home, maintain health, treat ailments, or prevent illness.

  1. Place a couple of flat and steady chairs at the side of a door or beside a wall.
  • Sit at the edge of the chairs. Move your buttocks close to the door side or wall as near as possible.
  • Lie down face up. Raise your right leg up against door support or wall pole while you bend your left leg at the knee with your right foot touching the floor. Raise your two arms flat on the chairs for 10 minutes. Let your left foot perform cycling exercises during this time. This will help loosen your hip joints.
  • Transfer the chairs to the opposite side and do the same exercise this time raising your right leg up against door support or wall pole while bending left leg at the knee and left foot touching the floor. Do the cycling exercise for another 10 minutes.

Standing Up La-Jing Exercise

  1. Go to a door threshold. Raise your two arms upwards stretching your arms as much as you can on each side of the door support.
  • Then bend one leg to the front while bending the other leg behind.
  • Your body should be parallel with the door, with eyes looking ahead and your head straight and parallel with the floor.
  • Maintain this posture for three minutes. Then change your position with the leg that was previously bended leg to the front now bending behind and the other leg previously bending behind now bending to the front. Maintain this posture for three minutes also.

This technique can pull the back and the connected ligaments and tendons, the shoulders, and shoulder blades. You yourself can use it at home to treat joint inflammation and pain, frozen shoulders, shoulder pain, etc.

La-Jing can even cure high blood pressure and arm pain.


You can perform La-Jing in the area surrounding your back and its connected ligaments and tendons and the area around your shoulder and shoulder blades. This activity can also address shoulder inflammation and pain as well as frozen shoulder syndrome.

  1. If you are suffering from chronic physical weakness, osteoporosis, heart problems, or high blood pressure, you may first need to consult with your doctor to see if La-Jing is right for you. This may be necessary since La-Jing exercise can initially cause pain before its benefits can be attained. While you experience pain, your blood pressure may rise, and your heartbeat may also beat faster. You need to avoid break or bone splits if you have osteoporosis. People who are physically weak may faint from the pain. Sick and elderly should take it easy when performing La-jin. To prevent blood from rush to your head, you may need to put a pillow below your head. The benefits may manifest soon enough if you continue on a long-term basis.
  • During the exercise, if you experience hyperventilation, cold sweats, coldness, numbness, or if your face starts turning blue, the best way to overcome these issues is to use a plastic or paper bag and breathe into it with your mouth or nose. The symptoms should be gone after five minutes, and you return to normal once again.

To ascertain whether you need La-Jing, bend typically and determine yourself whether your hands reach the ground. You definitely need La-Jing if the gap between the ground and your hands is more than 15 inches.

You can perform La-practically anywhere but its best if you practice it near your office wall, near a tree trunk, or on a park bench. You practice it without chairs on a room floor while elevating one leg straight on the wall and the other leg sliding to the side floor against an object for support.

La-jing is a holistic type of TCM body healing. It is quite dissimilar from the Western medicine approach of treating the feet for feet pains” or “treating the head for headaches. The La-Jing technique doesn’t require any understanding of acupoints. It is simply used to move and relax the energy channels. “There is blockage if there is pain. There is no pain if there is free flow.” La-Jing is a natural form healing that doesn’t have side effects and can eliminate various forms of pain naturally.