Infertility is One Condition Best Treated with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
In order for the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of infertility in Linwood to work well, both acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas need to be used. The main objective of this type of treatment is to restore balance in the body through the use of these two modalities as they help repair the disharmony that underlies the condition.
Also, to help boost the effectiveness of conventional modes of treatment for infertility, alternative sources of treatment such as acupuncture and/or traditional Chinese medicine need to be combined with the conventional therapies. These two different medical systems can be combined if all forms of treatment have been exhausted in order to boost the chances of an infertile person to conceive.
Having existed for thousands of years, acupuncture has been used in different cultures as a way of treating many forms of health conditions. This treatment aids in the regulation of blood flow through the stimulation of the central nervous system as neuro-hormones and neurotransmitters are released into the bloodstream to help heal the body.
Acupuncture helps produce and release endorphins, the body’s own painkilling chemicals that help to stop pain leading to a feeling of wellness. In East Asia and many countries In the West, acupuncture is utilized to heal a wide range of conditions. The connection of this treatment to infertility is still further being studied.
It may seem an odd way of treating infertility, but acupuncture is really a very popular choice of treatment for a growing number of infertile patients. The notion that acupuncture needles generate pain when they are inserted in the skin is just not true. The needle insertion may cause discomfort but never pain and it is an important part of the treatment of infertility. The discomfort may be akin to an ant bite; overall, however, acupuncture is virtually a painless procedure.
Infertility treatment using acupuncture is quite effective because a person’s body possesses pathways of energy known as meridians. These meridians are the vessels that convey a life force known as chi energy throughout the body and below the surface of the skin. When blockages develop inside the meridians, chi flow slows down, acupuncture is used to speed up the flow and remove the obstructions in the affected meridians. With the release of chemicals into the spinal cord, brain, and muscle, healing is in process. Fertility treatments that produce inferior results are unable to provide the same type of results that acupuncture is known to give.
Before you start on an actual alternative form of treatment such as herbal medicine or acupuncture, you need to consult with your infertility doctor first and found out if the reason for your infertility is not due to structural factors. If this is the case, then no amount of herbs you use or acupuncture treatment you undergo will help resolve your problem.
If it is deemed that herbs and acupuncture can help treat your infertility, then the objective of the treatment is to treat the underlying disharmonies in the three organs usually associated with infertility: the liver, spleen, and kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are used to treat these three organs and this will impact directly the reproductive organs as they are also intimately connected to the kidney, spleen, and liver.
Herbal supplements can help resolve the disharmonies that lead to infertility. These supplements can also relieve anxiety and stress which is important in increasing the chances of conception.
Acupuncture is most effective when factors such as hormonal imbalances are to blame for infertility; however, the treatment might not work in a blocked fallopian tube which is a structural issue that causes infertility. The flow of blood is enhanced and the hormonal system regulated with acupuncture. This will give the body adequate time to recover especially with regards to hormone imbalance. Studies have shown that acupuncture is a most ideal treatment after conventional form of treatment have been tried and when it (acupuncture) is combined with other forms of conventional and alternative therapies
When used for treating infertility, some herbal supplements can impact the effect of infertility pills, and so before you use these supplements it is highly advised to talk to your doctor first. In In-vitro fertilization treatment, acupuncture can be used with extreme effectiveness as it helps calm the body and alleviate anxiety, which greatly adds to the chance of success of the in vitro fertilization treatment.
You can be sure that when it comes to treating infertility, acupuncture is one the best alternative forms of treatments you can opt for. But it is better to research more about this treatment first and how it helps resolve several infertility issues. Knowing more about acupuncture can help you appreciate its use as a treatment for infertility either as a standalone treatment or as a complement to alternative and conventional forms of treatment such as IVF.