How Chinese Herbal Therapies Can Help Cure Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spiral shaped bacteria that are also called spirochetes. This disease is very hard to identify since it burrows in hard to get to places in your body.
You can acquire this disease from a tick bite of an infected deer. The bite dispatches the bacteria into your blood stream. If you’ve had Lyme disease for quite a long time, it may be very hard to eliminate it from the body.
The bacteria tunnel deep within your body where it can affect your joints, brain and nervous system.
Lyme disease can lead to pain and various symptoms. You can develop a bulls-eye rash, flu-like symptoms, mental fogginess, fatigue, and for people who have been suffering for years, a loss of motor function and coordination due to the damage the bacteria can do to the brain. Conventional treatment for this disease is taking of antibiotics. Unfortunately, these drugs may not always eliminate the bacteria from your body.
Because there are a few blood vessels in the joints, antibiotics have a problem reaching the Lyme bacteria in that part of your body. The joints also have a natural barrier that can prevent chemicals in your blood from reaching the brain. Since not all the bacteria can be killed, some of them may remain hidden until they become reactivated. When this occurs, the affected person may feel better, at first and then a few weeks later, may experience the return of their old symptoms. The bacteria that have survived have also become resistant to antibiotics.
In their different life stages, Lyme bacteria can be extremely difficult to kill. Certain antibiotics only work when the bacteria are in the spirochete stage. In cyst form, the bacteria can only be killed by one type of antibiotic. If the environment is not conducive for the bacteria to thrive, it will remain in cyst form until conditions become a bit more favorable. You may have dormant bacteria in your body even if you’ve been taking antibiotics for years. These pathogens have evolved defense mechanisms that make them very difficult to detect.
These germs have also been known to shape shift as the situation requires. They have the ability to make alterations on the surface that make them less prone to antibiotic drugs. When it comes to your long-term health and well-being, a chronic Lyme infection can be extremely dangerous. So, if Lyme disease can be resilient to antibiotics, what other options do you have?
You can use some Chinese herbs that are known to kill the Lyme bacteria. In fact, some Lyme disease sufferers combine certain Chinese herbal therapies with antibiotics. These herbal remedies have been clinically proven to kill the Lyme bacteria in lab animals and in actual people. They have been shown to work in individuals with chronic Lyme disease. They possess attributes that can raise the chance of totally curing chronic Lyme disease compared to taking antibiotics alone.
These Chinese herbal remedies in Cleveland can reach parts of the body where antibiotics cannot. They can enter into areas in the brain and joints where antibiotics have problems reaching. In clinical studies of Lyme disease and its other related conditions, these remedies have an outstanding 97 percent rate of efficacy!
In China, new clinical studies performed have shown these herbs to have a 97 percent rate of efficacy in curing leptospirosis, a type of spirochete infection with symptoms that are very much the same as Lyme. The longer these herbs are taken, the higher the chances of eliminating Lyme disease from your body,.
The name of the herbal remedy is Anti-Spirochete Mixture, which was previously mentioned in an article entitled “LYME DISEASE: Treatment with Chinese Herbs. To totally eradicate the Lyme bacteria, you need to take this herbal regimen for a minimum of two months.
Lyme disease sufferers need to take the herbs every day for a minimum of two months in order to kill any bacteria that are in a susceptible stage of development that overlaps the six week life cycle of the bacteria. The Anti-Spirochete Mixture is made up of six herbs. They include:
? Stem of lonicera
? Andrographis
? Hu chuang
? Forsythia
? Ching hao
? Smilax
To maintain a high level of potency in their system, Chinese medicine practitioners recommend taking the remedy thrice a day. Cat’s Claw and other Western herbs can be added to the therapy to boost the chance of success. Lyme disease sufferers may also recover with the help of other treatments.
One can also alleviate Lyme induced fatigue by detoxifying the body of heavy metals.
Several patients with Lyme disease have been proven to have high amounts of mercury, toxins, and other metals in their body. They can notice a major reduction in their mental fogginess and fatigue after these toxins have been eliminated from the body. For washing out these toxins, detoxification foot baths are extremely effective. Acupuncture and other Oriental treatments may also help.
Acupuncture can address the joint swelling and pain. It can help reduce the swelling and pain enabling the joints to regain their normal range of movement. You can also sleep better and the other symptoms of the disease also get better.
Many sufferers also have insomnia caused by the infection and pain that disrupt their sleeping patterns. As their infection is reduced, these patients naturally sleep better as their pain and fatigue decreases. They also become happier and healthier since their body is not burdened with the stress of fighting the disease it endeavors to kill. Changing your diet can also lead to positive outcomes. This can mean taking out sugar, wheat, and diary from your diet since they all promote the proliferation of the bacteria.
Lyme disease feeds off sugars and other nutrients in your system. If you eliminate or at least, lessen the consumption of carbohydrates, dairy products, and sweets, then the bacteria have less to feed off. Against the various ingenious defense mechanisms, of the bacteria, you need a powerful strategy to win.
You want to locate the hidden Lyme pathogens you may need to perform a comprehensive treatment approach.
Including detoxification, acupuncture, and Chinese herbs to your Lyme treatment program can significantly increase your chances of successfully and permanently curing your infection. You may need to change your diet in order to provide these bugs less nutrients to survive.