For Really Good Results Back Pain Sufferers Should Turn To Acupuncture
Persistent back pain sufferers would be wise to go to a practitioner who is skillfully trained in acupuncture in Cleveland. This treatment has proven to be of great benefit for people with persistent back pain as it is known to relieve pain when all other treatments have failed.
A proven but ancient way of healing, acupuncture is a process in which filiform needles are stuck into different pre-determined points on the body known as acupuncture points or acupoints. It is a surprisingly painless treatment even if needles are used as the means of generating symptomatic relief. Acupuncture originated from China and besides being used to relieve pain, it also is used to promote general health, prevent and treat various types of diseases, and for other therapeutic purposes. For millennia, this treatment has been practiced throughout the world.
Acupuncture, in theory, works through a process that leads to a balance of body function, and in the restoration of normal flow qi or energy and blood that guides in the self healing of the body. The procedure usually lasts more or less 30 minutes (about 15 to 20 minutes). It has the ability to treat chronic and acute conditions, lessen anxiety and stress, speed up the healing process, and aid smokers in stopping smoking, among many other health benefits. It does not need the use of any type of drug in the treatment process. It is based on a holistic and natural type of treatment that has no serious side effects over time.
For hundreds millions of people around the world, back pain is a problem that has become so troublesome, unbearable and debilitating that over the counter and prescription medication won’t anymore be enough to relieve the pain. Most of them are forced to consult with their doctors who oftentimes really have no means of treating their condition. Back pain does not only affect the elderly although it is more common in this age group. It can be due to various causes including arthritis, poor posture, or accidental injury. Mild or serious back pain sufferers oftentimes turn to pain medications that initially and temporarily ameliorate the pain. The pain keeps on returning though. Acupuncture can be extremely effective for back pain, especially, for back pain that keeps on recurring. It can provide pain relief that lasts for months, years or even forever. For chronic back pain sufferers, acupuncture can help a great deal in developing their level of activity.
Being a safe procedure, acupuncture has shown positive results for other conditions that may be causing the back pain. Most patients can begin to notice a difference in just a single visit. Depending on the degree and cause of the pain, back pain sufferers may expect one to multiple treatments enough to heal or even completely cure the pain. One huge benefit the treatment provides is that it can treat the original complaint or issue that has developed even years after. The treatment helps boost your range of motion and can bolster your back muscles enabling you to better manage your pain.
Drug therapy for back pain is merely a palliative that leads to side effects over time. Acupuncturists will recommend patients to make a few modifications in their lifestyle in order to prevent the return of the pain in the future. A healthy immune system, as we all know, is important for the maintenance of good health. One of the greatest advantages of acupuncture is that is helps strengthen your immune system.
So, if you are in dire need of relief from your back pain, instead of instinctively reaching for a painkiller in the medicine cabinet, look for a licensed acupuncturist who has experience in treating back pain. The results will astound you.