Find an Acupuncturist Who Really Knows How to Treat Migraines
More and more people are realizing the positive results alternative medicine can bring. Being treated with acupuncture treatments in between migraine attacks can help migraine sufferers although the results of the treatment may depend on how well your body responds to the treatment and the severity of your condition. Acupuncture helps banish the frequent migraine attacks and acute pains. People living in large cities usually complain of pains and headaches in the temple and forehead. Acupuncture can cure the mild and moderate pain although it may take a while for the treatment to also resolve chronic pain. A person is only required to find the right place and practitioner to perform the treatment. Acupuncture has become one of the best ways in which headaches and migraines can be relieved. The type of acupuncture treatment for migraines will depend on whether the patient desires preventative treatment in between migraine attacks or comes into the clinic experiencing acute pain. Acupuncture can help bring about long-term symptomatic migraine relief.
This treatment also takes out stress and helps a person relax. Too much stress is one of the biggest reasons for headaches and migraines. A series of studies indicates acupuncture’s effectiveness in the prevention of migraine. A well qualified and experienced acupuncturist in Cleveland will never take a chance of performing a treatment in which a patient walks in suffering from a full blown migraine attack. Nor will he insert acupuncture needles into the neck and head. Migraine occurs when the blood vessels in the head become dilated and when needles are stuck in the neck and head it can boost blood flow to those areas, which can exacerbate the pain. Also, for migraines and headaches, the patient is required to sit instead of lie down to prevent too much blood from rushing to the head.
There are only a few cities in the United States who have acupuncturists who understand the proper way of treating a migraine or a headache. The number of needles stuck into the legs and arms should be reduced when a patient is already having a headache. The painful symptoms can be vastly reduced this way. Between migraines and headaches, the former is more disabling to the patient. Migraine sufferers tend to feel the pain in one part of their head. They are extremely sensitive to sound and light. During a migraine attack they oftentimes feel nauseated and vomit. Some may experience losing their eye-sight. Migraines can be attributed to faulty genes that control the activity of certain brain cells.