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Few Helpful Recommendations to Overcome Dry Skin

Most of us get dry skin during the cold months of winter. There are others who may suffer from it all year round. Dry skin can lead to sensations of tenderness, burning, itchiness, scaling or discomfort upon touch. The most common treatment for this condition is skin creams that, sad to say, are loaded with toxic substances that may work their way into a person’s blood stream. The good news, though, is that natural alternatives are available that can help treat dry skin in a safe and effective way. Listed below are few tips to help your overcome and prevent the onset of dry skin

1. Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbs are especially useful in resolving severe types of dry skin. They can help nourish the skin by boosting fluid production in the body. Chinese Herbs help restore balance in the body by regulating the functions of the organ systems to resolve the manifestations of dry skin.

2. Get acupuncture

Dry skin is a sign of an internal imbalance. Like Chinese herbs, acupuncture helps restore balance in the body by supplying the organ systems with adequate energy and blood to help rectify the imbalance. It can also aid the body by conveying fluids to the tissues in a more efficient manner. Dry skin can come about from several possible pathologies. It can be caused by a weakness of the Lung Qi or by dryness in the Lung, to cite a few examples. Skin dryness on the face can be a pathological indication of an energetic imbalance, specifically, a Kidney essence condition. Dry skin that is accompanied by a burning sensation or a reddish skin can mean that there is an excess of heat in the meridians. It may also be due to a deficiency in blood energy that causes cold deficiency and poor moisture of the body. It is the job of the acupuncturist to determine what exactly is causing your dry skin problem and treat it accordingly.

3. Consume more moistening foods

Dry skin, in particular and dry body (dry cough, dry throat, dry mucus membranes, and dry skin), in general, can easily be resolved by eating moistening foods. They may include barley malt, honey, sesame seed, pine nut, almond, seaweed, loquat, persimmon, apple, pear, millet, barley, and spinach.

4. Drink adequate amounts of fluids every day.

This is the easiest way to treat or prevent the drying of your body and skin. Obviously if your body does not get the right amounts of water it needs, the tissues suffer because fluids cannot be transported to them. Lessen the amount of caffeine you consume as caffeine tends to increase your urine output leaving your body depleted. Lemon added to the water you drink can improve your body’s water absorption. Pear juice has a moistening quality and so can improve the Lung Qi in your body. This Qi controls the functions of the skin.

Ivelisse DeJongh is a Miami acupuncturist and the medical director at DeJongh Acupuncture Clinic.