Cosmetic Acupuncture To Help You Glow Inwardly And Outwardly
In Chinese language, Mei Zen translates to Beautiful Person. The ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine is used in Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture to offer people a healthy alternative in their quest to feel better whilst striving to obtain a more vibrant, healthy, and youthful appearance. Cosmetic acupuncture provides you with benefits beyond physical attractiveness. It endows you with inner radiance and health, as well. This non-injectable safe, nonsurgical, and natural treatment does not come with side effects that is usually experienced in invasive procedures such as chemical peel and laser techniques, injectables, face lifts, and plastic surgery, but nevertheless, significantly lessens the signs of aging with the extra benefit of rejuvenating the spirit and body, increasing circulation, and helping restore balance in the body.
The production of elastin and collagen is enhanced when more nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the body due to the increase of blood circulation. This results in the softening and decrease of puffiness and sagging in deep wrinkles, and the removal of fine wrinkles. Double chins, jowls, and drooping eyelids are lifted with the increase in muscle tone. The person experiences a deep sense of well-being and relaxation besides enjoying a more radiant complexion and a firmer skin.
Being the largest organ of your body, your skin can suffer from various problems caused by internal conditions. Those underlying conditions that affect the health of your skin and accelerate the effects of aging can be well-addressed by your cosmetic acupuncturist.
What are the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture? This treatment can:
• Lessen or eliminate dark circles and bags under your eyes
• Diminish fine lines as well as reduce deep wrinkles and furrows
• Moisturize the skin to give an even skin tone an softer skin
• Firm your jaw line and enhance muscle tone
• Provide you with firmer skin
• Reduce puffiness
• Eliminate or reduce acne and rosacea
• Rejuvenate and vivify you internally and externally
The other health benefits of cosmetic acupuncture include:
• Treatment of depression and anxiety
• Alleviation of hot flashes
• Relief of headaches and sinus problems
• Treatment of insomnia
• Enhanced clarity and energy
• Better digestion
How much Does A Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatment Cost?
Neck and facial acupuncture usually cost $1200. The treatment includes one nutrition consultation and 12 acupuncture sessions. Abdominal treatment protocol costs around $1800 and includes one stress management and one nutrition consultation and 18 acupuncture treatment sessions.
What type of maintenance is required?
It is highly recommended to have ongoing maintenance, with at least, a monthly session and two sessions at the end of each anniversary (one year) of completion of the program. The external and internal benefits of the treatment are what people are most attracted to. The benefits and outcomes are long term and, with maintenance, can last three to five years.
How many sessions are required?
For neck and facial protocols, about ten to a dozen consecutive sessions (six weeks two times a week) are needed in order to obtain the best results. Consecutive treatments are highly recommended, but for any reason you are unable to do so, optimal results can still be achieved. After initial consultation which will help your acupuncturist determine your age, lifestyle, dietary habits, and stress level, a plan of treatment will be devised and twelve sessions are scheduled. The fee usually includes the acupuncture treatments and a nutrition consultation.
Abdominal treatments start with the same schedule as the neck or facial protocols, which are six weeks, followed by six sessions for six weeks (one session per week).
When will results appear?
Positive results are usually within just a few sessions. They include a glow or radiance that is very noticeable. However, unlike Botox injections or plastic surgery the results will not be as dramatic or immediate.