Chinese Cupping Therapy For Hypotension And Hypertension
Treatment for Hypotension
The pathological area of senile hypotensive involves the kidney, spleen and heart. The condition is usually caused by sexual and physical overstrain, poor diet, weak constitution and old age. The pathogenic factors primarily involve healthy qi deficiency occasionally interspersed with pathogenic asthenia.
Targeted acupuncture points and techniques:
Acupoints selected:Bl 26 (Guanyuanshu), Bl23(Shenshu), Bl20(Pishu), Bl17 (Geshu), Ki 1 (Yongquan), (Shanzhong), Sp6(Sanyinjiao), St 36(Zusanli), Qihaiand Zhongwan.
Techniques: advise the patient to lie or sit down. Then apply cupping on the aforementioned acupoints using dry cupping or vacuum cups. It’s important to note that that you should keep the cups sucking for about 10 to 15 minutes over the acupoints once each day, and seven to ten days as one treatment course.
Treatment for Hypertension
In TCM, hypertension is similar to headache and dizziness and is usually brought about by constitutional defects, emotional factors, overstrain and poor diet resulting in Yin failing to control failing Yang, frequent asthenia of kidney Yin, phlegm disturbing the upper, or hyperactivity of liver fire. It may be due to depletion of yin involving yang and asthenia of yin and yang in length and illness.
Targeted acupuncture points and techniques:
Acupoints selected: group one, Bl 23 (Shenshu), Bl 20 (Pishu), Bl 15 (Xinshu), Bl 18 (Ganshu), Danzhui
group two, inside circulation line of 7thcervical vertebra to the sacroiliac of DU energy channel and cystis. Sanyinjiaoxue, Zsusanli or Quchi
Before applying cups on the acupoints for 10 to 15 minutes,use a dermal needle stick or a triangle-edged needle, and take only one set of acupoint through use of venesected cupping, leave the cup for 10 to 15 minutes. It’s important that that you do this once a set every other day.
Or else, you can take the second set of acupoints. You should first put massage oil lubricant on the back of the patient and move the cups on the skin surface until it turns purplish. Then cup on the acupoints of Sanyinjiao, Zusanlior Quchi, for 10 to 15 minutes. It’s important that you do this once every other day or once a day.
Amy-SuiQun Lui, L.Ac. is a Board Certified and Licensed Acupuncturist in Cleveland, OH.