Auricular Acupuncture Helps Curb Your Appetite Allowing You To Lose Weight
Weight loss treatment via auricular acupuncture has been practiced for centuries despite the fact that it involves the rather invasive approach of inserting needles into various parts of your auricle or outer ear.
In TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jacksonville, the ear is a micro-system that has pressure points that correspond to some of the major organs of your body. Once the needles are inserted into these points, a person’s appetite can be restrained and his tendency to overeat or binge can be prevented whilst his metabolism is speeded up.
One of the effects of auricular acupuncture is it helps trigger the release of endorphins in the bloodstream. This helps the person calm down and relieves any frustration, anxiety, and stress in his mind and body that may cause him to overeat in order to compensate for those negative feelings. What actually leads to a desire to eat unhealthy fattening foods and to overeat are usually ascribed to these feelings.
Modern auricular acupuncture is a newer version of body acupuncture. Nowadays, instead of needles some practitioners stimulate the same points using laser, sound, or electricity. Your hormonal and digestive systems can also be affected by the endorphins which are released during a round of auricular acupuncture treatment to lose weight by rebalancing them.
The treatment makes your metabolism more efficient enabling you to burn calories faster while it fortifies your determination to avoid eating unhealthy foods and to not overeat.
Promoting the Efficacy of Auricular Acupuncture to Lose Fat
In auricular acupuncture, the points on the auricle are stimulated with a tack preceding the piercing of a needle. A magnet, seed, or bead is taped to an acupuncture point to also extend and boost the potency of the treatment long after the session has ended. If the patient starts to feel hungry during the treatment process, he needs to apply mild pressure to the magnet, seed, or bead. This helps release the endorphins that will help curb the appetite of the patient.
The timetable for the treatment usually lasts for eight to twelve weeks with sessions done one to two times a week; it may therefore take a while for the patient to achieve his required weight. Auricular acupuncture’s effectiveness in helping one lose weight does not mean it can be the sole treatment for weight gain or obesity. You also need to exercise and eat a healthy diet in order to lose weight.
Auricular acupuncture can help you attain your weight loss goals quickly by helping control your food cravings. Specific acupoints on the ear that correspond to the mouth for sugar addicts, impulsive eaters, the lungs, and the endocrine system for water retention are often chosen in the treatment to lose weight.
For optimal results, breathing techniques and Chinese herbal formulas are also used in combination with auricular acupuncture.
This type of acupuncture really works and can be the long sought answer to your weight problem. It can help you attain your weight loss goals quickly and easily more than you expect especially if you include exercise, breathing techniques, Chinese herbs, and a healthy diet in your treatment strategy.