Alleviate the Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease with Acupuncture
Chronic diseases generally are conditions that cannot be cured; this is true in the case of Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease can only be healed or treated. So far, western medical science has no interest in finding a cure for this disease. There are several symptoms that this disease manifests to provide evidence of its existence in the body.
Crohn’s disease produces symptoms that affect the personal and professional life of the sufferer. It often disrupts a person’s quality of life, as well. It can lead to other conditions such as arthritis that brings pain in the large joints, liver problems, lesions in the eyes, and thrush in the mouth.
Western medicine addresses this disease with medications that actually lead to the development of side effects and other conditions in the body. A number of modalities have been designed to heal but a cure is so far not anticipated in the near future.
Acupuncture is actually a type of treatment that has been experienced by some sufferers of Crohn’s disease, and yes it does work for this disease. It is not a cure for Crohn’s disease but it does actually help resolve many of its symptoms. This Chinese-derived ancient healing modality is known to treat dozens of varied conditions including Crohn’s disease.
Acupuncture works by stimulating the energy pathways known as meridians and the nervous system of a person. It is a unique type of treatment where very thin non-hollow needles are painlessly inserted in certain parts of the body known as acupuncture points. The needles activate specific brain cells that cause the production and release of natural “feel good” neurotransmitters known as enkephalins and endorphins. These “feel-good“ chemicals are also natural analgesics (painkillers) that alleviates pain and discomfort and likewise help improve the function of the immune system. Acupuncture helps calm the nervous system and is seen as a very effective treatment for psycho-physiological conditions.
Unlike the modalities used by western medicine, acupuncture has no known side effects on the body. It has been used to treat digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease
Acupuncture procedures for Crohn’s disease often target central nervous system, gastrointestinal motor and gastrointestinal sensory processes of the body. The performance and efficiency of these procedures differ on the type of symptoms they’re trying to address. Assessing acupuncture’s effectiveness may be difficult if we base it on short- term studies and because of these some potential acupuncture patients are compelled to opt for other alternative treatments to address Crohn’s disease.
Most western countries have now accepted acupuncture as a valid form of treatment for bowel infections and certain gastrointestinal issues. People with Crohn’s disease considering acupuncture should read the testimonials of former patients since scientific studies performed regarding acupuncture therapy and Crohn’s disease do not really do justice to the unique way acupuncture is used to treat patient. Scientific studies often adopt a one-size-fits-all pattern of testing to ascertain if a treatment is effective or not; this kind of approach is not suited for acupuncture since each type of treatment that acupuncturists utilize specifically addresses a patient’s unique constitution as well as the kind of symptoms that each patient may manifest.
Willow Tree Wellness Clinic
1607 NE 16th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232
Ph: 503-281-0030