Acupuncture Treatment in the Back Results in the Treatment of Back Pain
The internet has its good and bad side when it comes to influencing the consciousness of modern society. A couple of positive things it has produced: it has made people aware of the harmful effects of pharmaceutical products; another thing is that it showed us that there are other alternative and natural forms of treatment that are oftentimes even more effective as conventional medicine but very safe to use. When talking about back pain, a lot of individuals are already utilizing therapeutic massages and organic liniments to resolve it.
One other potent alternative treatment for back pain that has been steadily growing in popularity is acupuncture. You may be able to appreciate this millennia-old treatment even more when you get to know more about it.
As mentioned, acupuncture is a millennia-old treatment, 4,000 years old, to be exact. It originated in China and is now being practiced by tens of thousands of practitioners all around the world. In the United States, this modality has legions of adherents because of its extreme effectiveness in treating conditions such as the ubiquitous back pain.
Acupuncturists perform acupuncture by inserting needles in strategic and specific points in the body called acupoints. This generates a therapeutic response that enables the body to self-heal. Back pain is treated this way. Ultra fine needles are inserted into predetermined points in the back to restore the smooth flow of blood and energy in the back resulting in the lessening or removal of the pain.
Unfortunately, some people tend to dislike needles especially when they’re used to puncture the skin. Those scared of needles but still want the benefits of acupuncture go out to try sham acupuncture. This procedure uses toothpicks instead of needles on acupoints.
While no available study exists to prove that needle acupuncture is more effective than sham acupuncture, when it comes to back pain treatment, we can safely say that acupuncture in general, can generate results that vary from person to person. It may work for some individuals but may not be effective at all for others.
It is important to only consult with a licensed acupuncturist in order to avoid accidents and infections.