Acupuncture Produces the Same Effects as Proper Posture in the Relief of Back Pain
Over the past few years, a bunch of studies have shown acupunctures efficiency in the treatment of back pain. This treatment offers much more quality relief than Western drug therapy, particularly NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. One specific study led to an interesting outcome in that the use of “sham” acupuncture back pain treatment that utilized toothpicks to poke but not puncture the skin proved just as effective as the needling form of acupuncture.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
The studies’ outcomes suggest that piercing the skin is not actually necessary in order to alleviate back pain; this implies that acupressure could work just as well as traditional needling acupuncture. The researchers theorized that when the skin is stimulated superficially, a “physiological chain reaction” takes place within the body.
Western medical treatments and traditional acupuncture are very different from each other. The latter is a technique that aims to regain overall muscle balance to the body through the stimulation of life energy or “chi”. According to Chinese medicine of which acupuncture is part of, the human body is intrinsically designed for symmetry and balance.
The Posture Connection
Acupuncture and neutral anatomy or proper posture practically does the same things; they both normalize the functions of the body, transfer energy efficiently, and distally load at the upper extremity distally towards the core, down to the knees, with the energy dispersing finally to the feet. If that energy transfer is disrupted by improper or poor posture, the mind will have difficulty concentrating and the body will become imbalanced.
While a lot of researchers hesitate to theorize as to why exactly acupuncture works so well in resolving back pain, the reason for the treatment’s success may be gleaned from the results of a study undertaken by Vail Resorts. The three-week long research monitored 300 professional ski instructors who were told to perform different tasks while wearing a Posture Shirt that generates a neuromuscular reaction to keep proper posture while wearing regular clothes over the shirt. The subjects were given self-evaluation tests that dealt with the degree of muscle stiffness and fatigue in both cases. The outcomes suggested an anatomical effect from the tension and touch technology of the posture shirt that affected body awareness, muscle coordination, and skeletal alignment. In simpler terms, the shirts worked almost like an acupressure device.
Back Pain Alleviation Treatments
Acupuncture treatment in Cleveland for back pain is one way to provide significant of relief to people suffering from chronic pain. If we use the information mentioned above, one can also imply that anything that activates or stimulates the correct pressure points or acupoints along the spine, back, and neck would also bring about benefits. Therefore, a Posture Shirt also provides relief since it brings relief similar to acupressure.
It’s claimed by most acupuncturists that their therapies do more than just treat back pain. They also work to regain the balance of the body as well as boost overall health. The same thing happens when a person relearns how to keep proper posture; the balance of the body is maintained and this causes all the systems and organs to function optimally.
Acupuncture treatment for back pain is well-tested and produces proven positive results. It follows the same principle as proper posture when it comes to balancing the body systems and the body itself. Between posture correction and acupuncture, sure relief is to be found for people suffering from lower back pain.