Acupuncture Linwood for Fertility Problems
The efficacy of acupuncture Linwood as a cure for infertility is further boosted when contrasted with the disappointing results of in vitro fertilization (IVF). In the recent past, IVF was hailed as the treatment option which many couples pinned their hopes in conceiving a child. However, studies such as the one reported by Dr. Nargund of St. George’s Hospital in Tooting in the UK in February, 2009 stated that IVF does not better the chances of conception and may even result in harm to mother and/or child. He added that cases of premature birth and cerebral palsy where babies die after only the first week because of this treatment were reported. Moreover, the question of the quality of life and longevity of those who do survive after the first week did not seem so good according to the study. This shocking report only reinforces the role of acupuncture in providing a very safe and natural treatment process for those suffering from infertility. Acupuncture has virtually no side effects or drawbacks whatsoever and by the fact that is has been and still is practiced with great success after thousands of years attests to its efficacy and safety. Used to be a treatment for the relief of pain, illnesses and ailments, acupuncture now is gaining huge popularity as a treatment for fertility disorders.
The success of acupuncture as a viable infertility treatment transcends the bad results of IVF treatments. It shows that with regards to reproduction, a “quick fix” is oftentimes not the best solution and that infertility may just be a symptom to deeper underlying factors that need to be addressed.
An aspect that may cause problems with reproduction is their lifestyle. Modern life is a life wracked with physical, mental and emotional stress. Extreme stress can be a major factor in the cause of infertility for both young and older couples.
Stress tends to weaken the function of the immune system and renders a person susceptible to disease and sickness as well as creates tension in the body, which causes poor circulation in the body. Some factors other than stress and tension such as unhealthy environment and bad hygiene practices can also affect fertility but mostly, tension and stress are the main factors for fertility disorders.
Acupuncture treatment removes any energy blockage that stress and tension raise up in the energy pathways. With the removal of blockages, energy and blood flow is restored in the affected area dilating blood vessels and easing up the tension in the body. The vital organs, especially the reproductive organs are nourished with energy and blood resulting in the normalization of reproductive and endocrine function. This vital nourishment improves the quality of the ova of the female and the sperm of the male as well as the sexual drive and performance of both male and female leading to a high chance of conception.
The efficacy of acupuncture as a cure for infertility is further boosted when contrasted with the disappointing results of in vitro fertilization (IVF). In the recent past, IVF was hailed as the treatment option which many couples pinned their hopes in conceiving a child. However, studies such as the one reported by Dr. Nargund of St. George’s Hospital in Tooting in the UK in February, 2009 stated that IVF does not better the chances of conception and may even result in harm to mother and/or child. He added that cases of premature birth and cerebral palsy where babies die after only the first week because of this treatment were reported. Moreover, the question of the quality of life and longevity of those who do survive after the first week did not seem so good according to the study. This shocking report only reinforces the role of acupuncture in providing a very safe and natural treatment process for those suffering from infertility. Acupuncture has virtually no side effects or drawbacks whatsoever and by the fact that is has been and still is practiced with great success after thousands of years attests to its efficacy and safety. Used to be a treatment for the relief of pain, illnesses and ailments, acupuncture now is gaining huge popularity as a treatment for fertility disorders.
The success of acupuncture as a viable infertility treatment transcends the bad results of IVF treatments. It shows that with regards to reproduction, a “quick fix” is oftentimes not the best solution and that infertility may just be a symptom to deeper underlying factors that need to be addressed.
An aspect that may cause problems with reproduction is their lifestyle. Modern life is a life wracked with physical, mental and emotional stress. Extreme stress can be a major factor in the cause of infertility for both young and older couples.
Stress tends to weaken the function of the immune system and renders a person susceptible to disease and sickness as well as creates tension in the body, which causes poor circulation in the body. Some factors other than stress and tension such as unhealthy environment and bad hygiene practices can also affect fertility but mostly, tension and stress are the main factors for fertility disorders.
Acupuncture treatment removes any energy blockage that stress and tension raise up in the energy pathways. With the removal of blockages, energy and blood flow is restored in the affected area dilating blood vessels and easing up the tension in the body. The vital organs, especially the reproductive organs are nourished with energy and blood resulting in the normalization of reproductive and endocrine function. This vital nourishment improves the quality of the ova of the female and the sperm of the male as well as the sexual drive and performance of both male and female leading to a high chance of conception.