Acupuncture Is One Of The Most Trusted and Popular Forms of Alternative Medicine Today
A form of alternative medicine, acupuncture in Vancouver may look painful, yet multitudes of people who have tried will testify to its healing effects. This treatment works by precisely placing thin non-hollow needles into various parts of a person’s body to relieve pain and/or cure disease. It would seem that acupuncture only increases suffering at first glance, but people who have benefited from it swear that it does not. But how did the idea of sticking needles in the body to promote healing evolve? When did it start?
Having been practiced over 4,000 years ago in China, acupuncture is now a worldwide phenomenon which one can avail of in virtually any part of the world. This treatment evolved and was refined to the noble healing art it is now long before there was a scientific method or Western medicine to talk about. Over time, science advanced to a point where it could study and explain how acupuncture needles work the way they do.
During ancient times (and even today), disease was explained as an imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body. You had to bring back balance if you want to treat the disease. Releasing the life energy known as chi that like blood circulate throughout the body is one way balance can be restored. This life energy is believed to travel through energy vessels known as meridians. Chi is released in the body when needles are stuck into these meridians.
Acupuncture remains one of the most trusted and popular forms of alternative medicine even if the ancient explanation of how it works has been replaced with more cogent theories. But whatever explanation one might want to believe, this treatment, for thousands of years, has helped countless numbers of people feel better. Many have been able to overcome their fear of the needles and thus are now enjoying enjoyed a greater sense of well-being only acupuncture can provide.