Acupuncture Is A Viable Treatment Option for Crohn’s Disease
Being a chronic type of disease, Crohn’s disease cannot be cured ad instead can only be relieved. Unfortunately, even with the latest medical technologies, there is still no promising and effective treatment let alone cure for Crohn’s. A Crohn’s disease patient can manifest diverse symptoms to indicate its presence in the body.
This condition displays symptoms that disrupt the personal life, quality of life, and work of the patient. It can lead to arthritis cause pains at large joints, lesions in the eyes, thrush in the mouth, and biological disturbance in the liver.
Drugs designed to treat Crohn’s disease symptoms can end up causing side effects and additional problems in the body. A number of therapies have been invented that should help heal the condition although as of now, there is no full-fledge treatment to cure it.
One of the best alternative types of treatments that have been known to work for Crohn’s disease is acupuncture. But although this treatment can heal Crohn’s it cannot cure it fully. Acupuncture originated from China which has quite a number of ancient therapies that can be used to cure or treat illnesses such as Crohn’s disease.
Acupuncture is a treatment that stimulates the energy channels and the nervous system of the body. It is a treatment that involves the painless use of needles injected into specific areas of the body known as acupoints to activate brain cells. The needles are used to stimulate the brain into producing and releasing enkephalins and endorphins which are the body’s own pain killers that help strengthen the immune system of the body. Acupuncture also helps the person to relax and calm his/her mind and nervous system. Acupuncture is viewed by many as the best treatment for psycho-physiological health issues.
One of the most attractive benefits of acupuncture is that it does not have any side effects. One of the drawbacks of the treatment however is that there have been just a few clinical studies done to prove acupuncture’s ability to treat Crohn’s disease.
Acupuncture treatment for Crohn’s in Maitland is generally focused on improving central nervous system processing, gastrointestinal motor, or gastrointestinal sensory of the patient. Although, the performance and efficiency of these treatments differ on the diversity of symptoms, it is extremely hard to assess the outcomes of these treatments on the basis of short- term experiments. So, people are inclined to use other ways for curing Crohn’s disease due to the limited options these therapies provide.
In the United States, acupuncture is becoming a very popular treatment for digestive issues such as bowel infections and certain gastrointestinal disorders. Oftentimes, acupuncture treatment for Crohn’s is combined with Western medications or Chinese herbal medicine to produce long lasting results.