Acupuncture is a Valid and Effective Cure for Tinnitus
If all forms of conventional treatments for your tinnitus have failed, acupuncture may be the best solution you can ever try. Acupuncture really helps cure tinnitus.
Acupuncture and tinnitus go well together since tinnitus may be caused by stress. And since acupuncture is an excellent way of relieving stress and pain, it can provide therapeutic benefits to people suffering from tinnitus.
Before setting up an appointment with your acupuncturist to treat your tinnitus, listed below are some relevant questions you need to ask yourself.
- Will you have any problems making lifestyle changes and following supplemental treatments? Using only acupuncture to cure tinnitus may not be enough. You might need to change certain lifestyles and take supplemental herbs besides acupuncture in order for the entire therapy to work.
- Are you financially prepared to go back for multiple sessions? Several sessions of acupuncture may be required in order to completely cure your tinnitus. People who have had their condition gradually build up through time need to have multiple acupuncture treatments that are consistent and continuous in order for them to be fully effective.
- Are you afraid of needles? Acupuncturists need to insert needles in certain parts of your body in order to treat a condition and even with the use of extremely slender needles that are ten times thinner than hypodermic needles they can still cause injury when improperly inserted.
You need to seriously ponder over these questions before you decide to through with acupuncture treatment for your tinnitus. If you are unwilling to change your lifestyle, don’t have time to go back for required sessions, not serious in following the plan of treatment or not really comfortable with needles, acupuncture will not definitely work for you.
Once you have said yes to acupuncture treatment, the next step is to search for a licensed acupuncturist who has extensive experience dealing with tinnitus cases or is specializing in the treatment of tinnitus. It is highly advised that you verify if the acupuncturist you have in mind is licensed and can accommodate you. You can do some online research on the practitioner or ask the right people if any complaints have been filed against the practitioner and if so, how were they resolved. Be 100% sure about the acupuncturist in order for you to have peace of mind during the time of your treatment and to avoid any injuries or accidents.
Christina Prieto is an Orlando acupuncturist, a certified Yoga instructor and the founder of Harmony Wellness Center in Central Florida.