Acupuncture for Tinnitus
Acupuncture for tinnitus treatment is depended on and utilized by many individuals around the world to better deal with their tinnitus. Doctors consider tinnitus as an incurable condition since this ear problem is viewed as an indication of lifestyle and other underlying health issues. Medical professionals see that tinnitus can be permanently cured only with the passage of time instead of medications or alternative forms of treatments.
These days more and more people suffering from tinnitus are opting for natural alternative modalities to address their problem. A number of homeopathic and alternative remedies have shown to provide substantial relief to various types of sicknesses and diseases. Because of this, a large number of people are beginning to explore these remedies in treating other maladies. Acupuncture for tinnitus is one very successful member of these remedies.
What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is actually a Latin word that means ringing. The person with tinnitus perceives sound in his ear that in actuality has no matching external sound. Tinnitus typically is not a disease but rather a symptom that can be caused by several factors such as build-up of wax due to nose allergies, ear infections, or foreign item accumulating in the ear.
Sometimes natural defects in hearing can also cause tinnitus (especially in aging); however, it can also be due to side effects of some types of medicines. Genetically caused loss of hearing can have side effects such as tinnitus. Mostly, though, the number one cause for the development of tinnitus is loss of hearing due to frequent or constant exposure to noise.
Acupuncture Treatment for the Relief of Tinnitus
Several studies have shown that acupuncture really provides major benefits for the relief of the discomfort tinnitus brings. Of course, it is obviously essential that a sufferer of this condition avail himself of temporal relief if no treatment exists to address the root of the problem. It is also important that a tinnitus patient undergoes a comprehensive medical exam in order for his/her doctor to formulate a treatment that can give enduring relief.
Acupuncture is a Chinese healing art that entails the use of very thin, non-hollow acupuncture needles inserted and manipulated into the skin in certain points on the body, for the end-result of achieving a therapeutic relief of pain.
If you are considering getting acupuncture treatment for your tinnitus one thing you need to remember first is that you need to visit a facility that offers alternative forms of treatment that includes acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine. Finding a facility that offers acupuncture may be essential if you see that other alternative treatments and homeopathic modalities may not be as effective as you might want them to be. You also ought to know a treatment of acupuncture is typically a process, and so there may be several sessions of treatment that the person needs to attend to experience significant relief.
Practitioners of acupuncture will have an easier and faster time to treat tinnitus when the condition is caused by an “excess”; however, for an energy deficiency or imbalance causing the ear condition, treatment may take a little longer.
Acupuncture is often combined with other modalities to accelerate the healing process. For tinnitus, acupuncture is often accompanied by physiotherapy (massage therapy). You may likewise need to have your mind prepare well for the insertion of the needles at certain areas in your ears in the course of the sessions.
Lastly, you need to be aware that acupuncture therapies do not give permanent relief to your tinnitus. The degree of your relief will be based on the patient and the level of his/her distress.
Kine Fischler is a licensed acupuncture physician and the clinical director of Willow Tree Wellness Clinic in Portland, OR.