Acupuncture for Hand Tremors
Almost all people now and then experience hand tremors and it’s a perfectly normal thing to do. Medical science has two classifications of hand tremors: action tremors and rest tremors.
Hand Tremors Causes and Treatments
Action tremors happen when the hand is performing a voluntary action like writing on a paper or typing on a keyboard. They also may happen when the hand is holding or grasping onto something. There are three kinds of action tremors: kinetic, postural and isometric. Action tremors are usually associated with certain types of disorders and diseases, including multiple sclerosis, stroke and Parkinsonism.
Rest Tremors, on the other hand, can be seen as some type of hand twitching that usually comes about while the body is at rest. One example of rest tremor is that while your hands are resting on a table, they begin to shake involuntarily. This type of tremor is usually related to mental stress you may be undergoing at that time.
The likelihood for experiencing hand tremors increases when you drink a lot of coffee or when you don’t get enough sleep. You may experience a mild vibration or shaking on your hands and may also find it hard to strongly hold on to something. Normally, hand tremors are transitory if their causes are due to fear, fatigue or stress,
You can likewise have hand tremors when you are in a withdrawal state from chemical addictions like nicotine and drugs. The state of withdrawal of an individual going through detoxification often entails his/her experiencing hand tremors as well as body tremors. However, it is important to remember that these withdrawal side effects are just temporary.
You need to consult with your doctor if your hand tremors seem to be prolonged and do not go away. These persistent and enduring tremors may be symptoms of a far worse underlying health problem. The condition may have got to do with problems in your nervous system or brain that causes the hand to shake. One neurological issue called dystonia often causes symptoms of hand tremors. Other peripheral neurological issues can also produce hand tremors symptoms. There are many possible causes that may lead to the development of hand tremors.
Unfortunately hand tremors can be also a symptom of a really bad disease such as brain tumor. Hand tremors that seem to persist are usually ominous warnings of serious neurological conditions. If such is the case, your hand tremors may also come with involuntary twitches in the legs, face or hands. A combination of intermittent or prolonged hand tremors and involuntary muscle twitches at some regions of your body should be solid reasons to have yourself checked right away. For a complaint of intermittent or prolonged hand tremors and involuntary muscle twitches, a brain scan is usually recommended by doctors to see if tumors have developed in the patient’s brain. As mentioned, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis are common neurological problems that cause hand tremors. If the doctor suspects you of having any of these problems, he will request a brain scan for you in order to correctly diagnose your condition. If you have hand tremors that seem to be transitory, you can have yourself checked by your doctor if you just want to be on the safe side. Mild or the slightest strokes can also lead to the development of hand tremors since a blood clot may have developed in your brain. It is very important to have your doctor extract the clot as soon as possible, possibly within four hours of your stroke; if not, you may potentially develop serious health problems that can permanently and seriously impair your mobility.
Hand tremors are usually experienced by seniors although their tremors may not necessarily involve any brain problems. Aging has caused their muscle mass to decrease resulting in loss of control over their hands and their dexterity. These problems can be prevented by eating foods rich in antioxidants and foods that are highly nutritious. Antioxidants help in preventing the cells from aging.
Treatment for Hand Tremors
In treating hand tremors, your doctor needs to diagnose their cause first. Hand tremors that come about not due to medical conditions can be treated effectively with natural types of treatment. One type of tremor called essential tremor is usually found in artists, musicians and individuals whose job entails the frequent use of their fingers and hands. PC encoders and typists who encode and type for 8 hours a day are also likely to develop hand tremors. One of the best natural treatments for hand tremors is acupuncture.
For thousands of years, the ancient Chinese have used acupuncture to remove the blockages of vital energy the Chinese call Chi in the body to enable it to flow freely all over the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, problems like hand tremors occur when Chi in the hand is blocked due to over use. Although this type of medical theory is not yet proven by western medicine, numerous individuals have improved their condition using acupuncture. People who have been treated with acupuncture in Vancouver of their hand tremors have had substantial reduction of their tremors or even have been completely cured of it.
Sometimes, massaging your hands can also reduce your hand tremors, particularly if you are fatigued or stressed out. The blood flow in your hands improves by massaging them and can help also in the improvement of the dexterity and control of your hand. Furthermore, massaging has been scientifically proven to relax the body as well as the mind. Massage can effectively relieve your fatigue and stress and can calm the nerves that help lessen your hand tremors.