Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS for short can also be called chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome. This condition is a complex one that affects many systems in the body including the muscular system, immune system and the neurological system of the body. Modern science still does not know what actually causes CFS. There isn’t any medical test available that would correctly identify it and therefore, no real treatment has ever been created for it. Based on statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control, there are about one million people in the United States suffering from symptoms that are the same as chronic fatigue although they do not fully meet the criteria. Women are more affected by this malady than men. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture can provide relief for chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. They also help sufferers of this condition return to a balanced and full life.
The Centers for Disease Control state that there are certain signs and symptoms a patient must manifest in order to be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. They include:
- Chronic and extreme fatigue that have been ongoing for a minimum of 6 months. The doctor should also have ruled out any other possible reason for the fatigue.
- A manifestation of a minimum of four of the following symptoms:
-Mild fever
-Malaise that worsens with exertion
-Poor sleep
-Multiple pains in the joints with no sign of redness or swelling
-Muscle pain
-Tender lymph nodes
-Sore throat
-Concentration difficulties
-A lessening of short-term memory capability
There may be other symptoms akin to CFS caused by certain medical conditions that may make it difficult diagnosing CFS. These conditions may include:
-Fibromyalgia syndrome
-Multiple chemical sensitivities
-Post-viral fatigue
-Chronic mononucleosis
-Myalgic encephalomyelitis
According to TCM, CFS typically may mean an underlying pattern of a spleen- liver disharmony. The spleen deficiency can come from lack of physical exercise, excessive worrying, excessive taxation, a poor diet or stagnation of liver qi or the liver stagnation depleting the spleen’s Qi. The stagnation of liver Qi may be caused by anger, stress, insufficient yang or insufficient blood to properly nourish the liver.
To address CFS, acupuncturists insert needles to acupuncture points located on legs, arms and the body. These needles can help smooth out and tonify liver Qi and improve spleen Qi. Chinese herbal remedies with its several different formulas can resolve the complex pattern. Moreover, nutritional counseling can also be given the patient that he/she may consume the right foods that will prevent fatigue and treat the underlying pattern. TCM and acupuncture can likewise aid in treating other symptoms that come with CFS such as anxiety, insomnia and depression. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can likewise complement the conventional therapies of a patient recommended by his/her doctor. By utilizing TCM and acupuncture, the patient can gain more energy that in turn can help raise the mood and make physical activity and exercise more doable. Those two therapies can help bring back the patient to a life he/she desires.
Davis Acupuncture Clinic
2043 Anderson Rd
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 400-1239