Acupuncture Can Stop Breast Cancer Pain
A growing number of women are dissatisfied with contemporary Western medicine’s inability to help them recover from abnormal breast symptoms. They are now looking at ancient Chinese practices that have been validated by science and time. One such practice is acupuncture, a treatment that gives women the chance to prevent or avoid breast ailments. This unique type of healing practice is a proven way to improve the health of the breasts.
In Chinese medicine, when relieving an ailment, nerves and the emotions are major contributors to the development of breast diseases. By nature, women are moody; and the levels of stress change from time to time. This causes their body fluids known as Qi to thicken and clog and transform into nodules. The nodules add to their risk of developing breast cancer and other diseases related to the breast. Since women are more emotional than men and since most of them get stressed virtually every day, many women, over time, develop breast cancer.
Once cancer cells develop, they attack the normal tissues in the body; the cancer cells can then spread to the other parts of the body through lymphatic and circulatory systems. Research reveals that more than 80 percent of women with breast cancer are over 50 years of age. When they get older, women become more susceptible to abnormal breast symptoms.
To know the symptoms and causes of breast cancer, one should consider the patient’s family history – a family member who has breast cancer will mean that the chance of another female family acquiring the disease becomes high as she gets older. If your menstrual cycle started early and you have a delay in menopause, your risk of developing breast cancer is high. Women who have never breast fed are also candidates for breast cancer. Other studies show that some women who underwent hormonal therapy may also develop breast cancer.
If you feel a lump on your breast, do not be alarmed since all lumps are not deemed as cancerous; nevertheless, you should seek the advice of your doctor to ensure that your lump is harmless. You need to undergo a monthly check up of your breast to prevent the rise of breast tumors or cancer, especially when you are getting old. As you age you become more prone to diseases so you need to be more conscious with your health. Also, check your breasts for any tumors and cysts. If there are any changes in your breast, you need to go for a check-up. These changes may include a lump in the armpit or breast, change in the size of the breast, changes in the nipple area, etc.
Treating breast cancer on its early stage is the best way to beat this disease. Acupuncture in Orlando can help treat breast cancer pain and even helps reduce the side effects associated with radiation and chemotherapy. It is a treatment in which needles are applied into the skin to stop bodily pain and ailments. The needles are stuck into body points called acupoints. Acupuncture treatment helps maintain the flow of energy within the body to treat illness and maintain health.