Acupuncture Miami and the Skeptic
There will always be skeptics and adherents for acupuncture Miami. The reason why skeptics for acupuncture abound is that the parameters of the scientific method they follow is not adequate enough or too narrow to study and accept how acupuncture does what is does. Still, these people cannot refute the fact that something positive happens to a person’s health when acupuncture treatment is applied. Acupuncture has been practiced for millennia and is now gaining millions of converts in the West. This fact alone proves that acupuncture in treating many kinds of sicknesses and disorders does work.
One needs a considerable amount of time and effort in becoming an acupuncturist. It is not a treatment were just anyone can pick a needle and stick it to a person at any part of the body expecting a cure for his/her malady. Acupuncturists need to obtain certification that attest to their attending and finishing the requirements needed to practice acupuncture in an accredited institution eligible to teach acupuncture studies. Acupuncture has been used to treat certain disorders like addiction, over eating, smoking and many kinds of painful conditions and has shown great success in treating all these problems.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that disease can start by an imbalance of chi in the body. Chi is the energy flowing through invisible network of pathways called meridians. The meridians are connected to major organs in the body on one end and connected on another end to points in the skin called acupuncture points or acupoints for short. The needles are inserted in these acupoints to treat a certain condition. Acupuncture restores the balance of chi and helps achieve well being to the body.
In a study conducted in Germany, more than a thousand patients with back pain were divided into three groups. The first group was given conventional medical care such as heating pads, painkillers and anti inflammatories. The second group received acupuncture therapy while the third group received sham acupuncture treatments- this was the control group. The study concluded by showing 47% improvement of the group that received acupuncture, 44% improvement on the control group and just 27% on the group given conventional treatments. This study lasted six months.
Nevertheless, even if presented with a million studies verifying acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating disorders, the skeptic will still stick his/her head under the sand ignoring every fact that comes his/her way just because acupuncture does not follow his/her criteria o procedure of proving its clinical effectiveness. The skeptic can be skeptical all he/she wants but it is at his/her risk of losing credibility of denying an obvious procedure that has given billions throughout history relief from pain and treatment for their oftentimes distressful and painful conditions.