Acupuncture and TCM Are Very Good Ways to Help Cure Tinnitus
If you have tried all possible conventional forms of treatment for tinnitus and have had little or no success with them, then it’s time for you to try acupuncture for the treatment of that condition.
Acupuncture therapy and Tinnitus go well together due to the fact that tinnitus can be caused by stress which acupuncture can treat flawlessly and easily. Acupuncture also helps alleviate pain besides providing several other therapeutic benefits. Where conventional Western modes of treatment fail in providing a proper response to tinnitus, acupuncture is Eastern medicine’s answer to this condition.
Listed below are a few questions you need to ask yourself before scheduling an appointment to treat your tinnitus using acupuncture.
1. Are you willing to make changes to your lifestyle and take supplemental treatments? Acupuncture many not be enough to completely cure your tinnitus. You need to make some lifestyle changes and take supplemental herbs on top of the acupuncture sessions for your treatment to be effective.
2. Can you afford to go back for multiple sessions? You may need several sessions of acupuncture before your tinnitus is completely cured. Acupuncture treatments need to be consistent to manifest improvement for individuals whose tinnitus symptoms have gradually built up.
3. Are you willing to have needles stuck in your body? Your acupuncturist needs to stick needles into some points in your body in order to cure your tinnitus. Though the needles uses in acupuncture are 10x thinner than hypodermic needles, they can potentially cause injury when improperly inserted.
As a standalone treatment for tinnitus, acupuncture may not produce the desired results.
Consider these questions carefully before you decide to get acupuncture treatment for your tinnitus. If you are scared of needles, fortunately, you can still avail of laser or electro-acupuncture, a type of acupuncture treatment that uses laser or mild electrical impulses instead of needles to generate a therapeutic response in the body. These two treatments have the same effects as the needling procedure of traditional acupuncture. Also, if you can’t or are unwilling to follow the treatment plan and commit to lifestyle changes, acupuncture treatment for your tinnitus will not work for you.
If you are able to stick to the treatment plan, then your next step is to search for a reputable and qualified acupuncturist who can accommodate you. You can ask your doctor for referrals or ask referrals from people you know very well who have experienced getting acupuncture treatment for the same condition you have. Choose a practitioner who can calm and make your relax. This is important in making the treatment work to its full effectiveness which leads to a very good treatment outcome.
Christina Prieto is an Orlando acupuncturist, a certified Yoga instructor and the founder of Harmony Wellness center in central Florida.