Acupressure Massage Technique That Can Help Treat Eye Conditions
It is believed that the ancient Chinese system of healing of acupressure is more than 5,000 years old and is much older than acupuncture. The many benefits of acupressure include the enhancement of energy and blood circulation to all the organs in the body for maximum overall health and relief of stress and pain. This form of bodywork therapy ancient involves the use of massage techniques over selected pressure points in the body. Each of these points is connected to a specific organ. For example, some pressure points on the hands are related to the kidneys while other points are related to the heart. Hence, by applying these massage procedures to the affected pressure points, circulation can be increased to the organ in question boosting overall well being and health. The good news is you can perform these techniques to alleviate eye strain related to close up work and to improve the health of the eyes.
The following is an example of an eye exercise that anyone can perform based on these principles. This exercise is called acupressure massage technique to improve vision. This technique is done by massaging four vital acupressure points around the eyes.
We begin by using your middle fingers to apply pressure on the upper area of your nose for five seconds. With your two middle fingers press the upper area of your nose for five seconds and then let go. Then, using the same middle fingers, apply pressure to the point found at the arch of your two eye brows in the bone hollow. For five seconds, maintain pressure on this point and then let go. Next, apply firm pressure to the outer edges of the eye sockets (both areas) retaining it for about five seconds then release. Finally, finish the procedure by putting pressure on the middle of the two areas around the bony sockets below the two eyelids for five seconds and then release.
The practice of these acupressure procedures can produce a number of benefits. It can really help lessen tension, eye strain, and stress in the eye muscles. If you spend several hours in front of the computer every day performing a lot of close up activity, this becomes useful especially if you keep on suffering from eye strain from this exposure. Based on this perspective, acupressure massage technique to improve vision comes in handy by the fact that it provides eye strain relief related to extensive computer usage. Moreover, it helps boost blood flow to the vessels of the eyes. This is quite important for people with eye conditions associated with weak blood flow in the visual system. This is a technique designed to rectify eye problems and to improve eyesight.
Acupressure massage technique to improve vision is part of the ancient system of Chinese medicine that addresses various types of physical health conditions. It involves the application of massage procedures to pressure points that are connected to specific organs to treat health problems and conditions in the areas targeted for treatment. This specific eye exercise can help release tension and stress in the visual system and ultimately improves vision by increasing blood flow in the vessels of the eyes.
DeJongh Acupuncture Clinic
2929 SW 3rd Ave #610
Miami, FL 33129
(305) 677-3214