Acupressure And Other Self-Help Tips To Boost The Health Of Your Eyes
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Overland Park, all illnesses related to the eye are intimately associated with the liver. The eye is also believed nurtured by all of the body’s internal organs. The iris and cornea basically belong to the liver, bottom eyelid to the abdomen, the veins and arteries to the heart, the sclera to the lungs, and the pupil and lens basically belong to the kidney. Hence, eye disease can result from an imbalance in any of the internal organs.
Important Acupressure Eye Points
The eyes are surrounded by a lot of acupressure points (especially, around the eye’s orbits that are the bones that wrapped around the eyeballs). The following are some the important local eye acupoints.
1. Yuyao – Found in the hollow in the eyebrows’ midpoint. Used to treat eye problems conditions connected to mental strain, over-study, and worry.
2. UB 1 (Jingming) – This point is found the eye’s inner corner that meets the nose. Urinary Bladder 1 and 2 (UB 1 & UB 2) are possibly the two points most effective for all kinds of eye conditions including hysteria with eyesight loss, glaucoma, or early-stage cataracts. Both points also can be helpful for issues like conjunctivitis caused by Liver Heat and Wind-Heat as well as for foggy eyesight in the elderly caused by Deficient Blood and Jing
3. UB 2 (Hsanshu) – This point is located at the depression of the eyebrows’ inner ends.
4. GB 1 (Tonghsiliao) – This gallbladder point is found in the cavities on the eye socket’s outside corners. Used to treat lateral headaches, blurred vision, early-stage cataracts, itchy eyes, dry eyes, photophobia, red sore eyes, and conjunctivitis.
5. SJ 23 (Sishukong) or Triple Burner or Sanjiao acupoint – Found in the depression of the eyebrow’s outside end. A local point utilized to treat facial and eye conditions, whether the result of Liver Fire and Yang or Wind invasion.
6. St 1 (Chengchi) – Found on the bone of the infraorbital ridge directly below the pupil. This point can be used to treat all eye conditions, including those caused by Hyperactive Liver Yang, Wind Heat, and Wind Cold.
7. Chiuhou: Found at the midpoint between the GB 1 and St 1 along the eye’s orbit.
How to Properly Perform Self-Acupressure for the Health of the Eye
Each acupressure point should be gently massaged around the eye’s orbit. Massage each acupoint for about five to ten seconds. There’s no harm in massaging both eyes at the same time. Over the course of the day, this massage can be done as often as you like. In terms of sensitivity, you may find that each acupoint feels different.
As you massage, keep breathing. Your eye’s cells can benefit by deep breathing as they receive more oxygen that’s essential for healing. While you massage the acupoints, perform slow and long stomach breathing.
Warning: If you are pregnant, prior to performing acupressure on yourself, you need to talk to a trained acupuncturist. Do not massage on a body part that has an infection, burn, or scar.
Helpful Tips
Diet and lifestyle modifications can help maintain and play a major role in good eyesight if we deem that most eye problems is a mirror of the health of the whole body.
1. Daily Juicing (if possible, organic) – Vegetables for juicing should be greens. Drink at least two to eight pints a day for healing. Vegetables used should be mostly greens.
2. The Vision Diet – Recommended in the book Natural Eye Care. Research indicates that patients can decrease the pressure in their eyes by 5 – 7 mm through a healthy supplement and diet program. Usually recommended is a diet rich in sulfur-bearing amino acids, vitamins C and E, and beta carotene. Tomatoes, oranges, apples, seaweed, leafy green veggies, orange and yellow veggies, turnips, celery, spinach, beans, onions, and garlic are some of the foods containing those nutrients.
3. Stress management – Daily prayer, visualization techniques, yoga, taking a walk in nature, and/or meditate.
4. Drink adequate amounts of water – This means drinking eight to ten glasses of distilled or purified water. Shun alcoholic, caffeinated, and carbonated beverages. These fluids may actually dehydrate your eyes.
5. Eye exercises – They can drain away congestion and toxins in your eyes which can help increase blood and energy flow to your eyes.
6. Daily Exercise – Perform daily aerobic exercises for a minimum of 20 minutes. Two ideal forms of exercise are swimming and walking.
7. Stay away from foods you are allergic to – In a recent study, when all the 113 patients suffering from chronic simple glaucoma were exposed to foods to which they had an allergic reaction, they experienced quick upsurge of intraocular pressure of up to 20 mm. Manage stress. To help you relax, practice some tai chi, yoga, or meditation. Some doctors believe glaucoma to be a stress related problem.