Intense Wellness
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A Couple Of Important Acupoints To Get Rid Of Dizziness And Vertigo

If you are one that suffers from vertigo, dizziness, lightheadedness or even giddiness, I’m hoping that this technique that we’re about to go over together is going to make a big change in your life. Dizziness and vertigo is usually benign but I highly recommend to everyone out there, if you’re having constant vertigo and dizziness and you feel that something is not right, get it checked out by a specialist.

Fortunately, the majority of all these conditions are going to be benign and the doctors are really not going to be able to help you but give you drugs and medication. Realize that drugs and medications have side effects. I prefer that you try to do things naturally and allow the body to work naturally and heal naturally before the side effects make the problems even worse.

In our body, we have energy channels called meridians. They are self-help acupressure meridians that you’re going to stimulate on your own body to restore and allow those meridians to flow properly. You need to be aware that meridian therapy, from ancient medicine thousands of years ago, is all about balance.

Meridians are found throughout your entire body and by stimulating certain points, you are then allowing the body to heal and repair the way it’s designed to heal. One of those major points is called the third eye. This is a universal point and is located on the top of the bridge of your nose as it comes up and meets the bottom of your forehead right between the eyebrows. That is the third eye.

You’re going to take your thumb and you’re going to hold that point for two minutes. You need to apply constant pressure to that point for approximately two minutes. As you hold that point, you may feel some different neurological changes.

You may feel fullness in the sinuses, a release of pressure in your neck and you may even feel a release of the giddiness, dizziness, lightheadedness or even the vertigo that you may be experiencing. After you hold the third eye point after two minutes and if you notice that you’re still symptomatic, that you’re still experiencing some of those dizzy or vertigo feelings, you need to keep on applying pressure to this point for several times a day.

After a round of stimulation, you may want to wait a few hours because it’s a very powerful point and the key here is to stimulate those meridians so the body can heal and function naturally.

The other amazing acupressure point is the pericardium 6 or commonly called the P 6. The way to find this point is to take your wrist and you bend it back and forth. You’ll see a crease and that crease that bends back and forth is your landmark. You’re going to take your second and third fingers and put it right at the crease. You’re going to feel two tendons as you come down right in the middle of the forearm.

The tendons will feel like two pieces of rope. You’re going to push on that point located right between those two tendons two and a half finger lengths. Right below that crease is the P6 point. You need to hold this point for one to two minutes and just apply constant pressure. As you hold the point, you will feel a release of that dizziness, lightheadedness and vertigo.

This point can help relieve anxiety and nervousness. It is a fascinating point indeed. Hold that point for one to two minutes. You can do both arms and wrists because that will only actually help accelerate the treatment. So, from getting up out of bed, moving your head from side to side, changing positions and just feeling that vertigo spinning around your head, all you need to do is to apply these techniques and treat yourself in a safe and effective way.

You can stimulate the P6 in both of your wrists for one to two minutes. You can do that several times a day and if you continue to feel these symptoms, you might need to use that technique a little bit more. As the symptoms diminish, you can start reducing the stimulation of those points as well. Keep in mind that anything that’s done in excess can cause side effects.

So, if you’re stimulating the point too much and you’re feeling worse or not feeling better at all, then you need to back off and listen to your body. Make sure that when you stimulate these points, you should not hurt yourself and push too hard because you should not be sore when you stimulate these involved regions.

Christina Prieto, AP
1617 Hillcrest St
Orlando, FL 32803
Phone: 407-234-6454